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Release Notes v1.58

Upstream Changes

Please check the following sites for upstream release notes:

23KE Changes and Upgrade Path

  • Before update

    • ingress-nginx now ships as part of 23ke with a required custom configuration for certificate management. This is the only supported ingress from now, and will be updated with future 23ke versions. Remove other ingress-nginx installations before updating.
    • cert-manager now ships as part of 23ke and will also be updated with future 23ke versions. Remove other cert-manager installations before updating.
    • gardeners external-dns-management component now ships as part of 23ke and creates/updates DNS records with the right Ingress/Service IP. If installed, remove external-dns before updating
    • Create new 23ke-config secret
    • The 23ke installation has been restructured. Before updating, suspend both 23ke-base-config and 23ke-base-install Kustomizations.
    • The default subdomain for the gardenlet seedConfig.spec.dns.ingressDomain has been set to "internal". This field is immutable for existing seeds, so to continue using your existing ingressDomain you need to add
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
      name: 23ke-config
      namespace: flux-system
      type: Opaque
      values.yaml: |
      gardenlet.ingressDomain: ingress
  • After the update

    • flux now ships as part of 23ke and will also be updated with future 23ke versions. You can remove an existing gotk-componentes.yaml from your env config.
    • cert-manager is no longer used for letsencrypt. You can remove the default-issuer ClusterIssuer from your 23ke-config folder.
      • Remove all environment variables and postBuild/env substitution from your 23ke-config, if you do not need them anymore. If you find no more environment variables in your 23ke-config, you can delete the 23ke-env-substitution Secret
      • Delete all old base-config ConfigMaps, and delete 23ke-base-config and 23ke-base-install Kustomization. Adjust the dependsOn for your own Kustomizations like 23ke-env-garden-content.
      kubectl delete kustomization 23ke-base-config
      kubectl delete kustomization 23ke-base-install
      kubectl delete configmap -A -l
  • Other changes

    • gardeners cert-management component now ships as part of 23ke.