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Release Notes v1.82

23KE release notes and upgrade guide​

Update networking-cilium to 1.29.0


πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] Update cilium to v1.14.2. by @DockToFuture [#216]
  • [OPERATOR] The networking-cilium extension now uses an objectSelector on its mutating webhook for node-local-dns and sets it failurePolicy to fail by @ScheererJ [#215]
Update provider-alicloud to 1.49.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes​

  • [OPERATOR] provider-alicloud no longer supports Shoots or Seeds with Кubernetes version < 1.24. by @shafeeqes [#647]
  • [USER] The volumeBindingMode of the default StorageClass managed by the provider-alicloud extension is now switched from Immediate to WaitForFirstConsumer. by @ialidzhikov [#648]

✨ New Features​

  • [USER] The provider-alicloud extension does now support shoot clusters with Kubernetes version 1.28. You should consider the Kubernetes release notes before upgrading to 1.28. by @oliver-goetz [#650]

πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] The following golang dependencies have been upgraded :
    • gardener/gardener to v1.80.3
    •* to v0.27.5
    • to v0.16.2 by @ary1992 [#645]
  • [OPERATOR] allow public network access from admission pod by @shaoyongfeng [#651]
  • [OPERATOR] machineDeployment will have the label when created. by @elankath [#638]


πŸ› Bug Fixes​

  • [OPERATOR] Force drain and delete volume attachments for nodes un-healthy due to ReadOnlyFileSystem and NotReady for too long by @elankath [gardener/machine-controller-manager#839]
  • [OPERATOR] An issue causing nil pointer panic on scaleup of the machinedeployment along with trigger of rolling update, is fixed by @acumino [gardener/machine-controller-manager#814]
  • [OPERATOR] Included UnavailableReplicas in determining if a machine deployment status update is needed by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#833]
  • [USER] An edge case where outdated DesiredReplicas annotation blocked a rolling update is fixed. by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#821]

πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] New metrics introduced:
    • api_request_duration_seconds -> tracks time taken for successful invocation of provider APIs. This metric can be filtered by provider and service.
    • driver_request_duration_seconds -> tracks total time taken to successfully complete driver method invocation. This metric can be filtered by provider and operation.
    • driver_requests_failed_total -> records total number of failed driver API requests. This metric can be filtered by provider, operations and error_code. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#842]
  • [OPERATOR] Added a new metric that will allow to get the number of stale (due to unhealthiness) machines that are getting terminated by @jguipi [gardener/machine-controller-manager#808]
  • [OPERATOR] Makefile targets have changed: Introduced gardener-setup, gardener-restore, gardener-local-mcm-up, non-gardener-setup, non-gardener-restore, non-gardener-local-mcm-up. Users can also directly use the scripts which are used by these makefile targets. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#852]
  • [OPERATOR] Updated to go v1.20.5 by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#827]
  • [OPERATOR] Added errorCode field in the LastOperation struct. This should be implemented only for the CreateMachine call in the triggerCreationFlow. This field will be utilized by Cluster autoscaler to do early backoff by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#851]
  • [DEVELOPER] Bump* deps to v0.27.2 by @afritzler [gardener/machine-controller-manager#820]
  • [DEVELOPER] status.Status now captures underline cause, allowing consumers to introspect the error returned by the provider. WrapError() function could be used to wrap the provider error by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#842]
  • [DEVELOPER] Removed dead metrics code and refactored the remaining metrics code by @himanshu-kun [gardener/machine-controller-manager#823]
  • [DEVELOPER] A new make target is introduced to add license headers. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#845]


πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] MCM status code ResourceExhausted is now utilized in mcm-provider-alicloud. by @himanshu-kun [gardener/machine-controller-manager-provider-alicloud#57]

Docker Images​

gardener-extension-provider-alicloud: gardener-extension-admission-alicloud:

Update gardener-controlplane to 1.81.1


πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] The regression is now fixed and the control plane logs shall be visible in the Plutono dashboards. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8656]
  • [DEPENDENCY] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.1. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8652]

Docker Images

operator: apiserver: admission-controller: controller-manager: scheduler: gardenlet: resource-manager:

Update gardener-controlplane to 1.81.1


πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] The regression is now fixed and the control plane logs shall be visible in the Plutono dashboards. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8656]
  • [DEPENDENCY] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.1. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8652]

Docker Images

operator: apiserver: admission-controller: controller-manager: scheduler: gardenlet: resource-manager:

Update gardenlet to 1.81.1


πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] The regression is now fixed and the control plane logs shall be visible in the Plutono dashboards. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8656]
  • [DEPENDENCY] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.1. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8652]

Docker Images

operator: apiserver: admission-controller: controller-manager: scheduler: gardenlet: resource-manager:

Update gardener-controlplane to 1.81.2


πŸ› Bug Fixes​

  • [OPERATOR] An issue has been fixed which was causing a broken ControlPlaneHealthy condition report for Shoots when the MachineControllerManagerDeployment feature gate gets enabled until their next reconciliation. by @rfranzke [#8664]

πŸƒ Others​

  • [DEPENDENCY] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.3. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8658]
Update gardener-controlplane to 1.81.2


πŸ› Bug Fixes​

  • [OPERATOR] An issue has been fixed which was causing a broken ControlPlaneHealthy condition report for Shoots when the MachineControllerManagerDeployment feature gate gets enabled until their next reconciliation. by @rfranzke [#8664]

πŸƒ Others​

  • [DEPENDENCY] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.3. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8658]
Update gardenlet to 1.81.2


πŸ› Bug Fixes​

  • [OPERATOR] An issue has been fixed which was causing a broken ControlPlaneHealthy condition report for Shoots when the MachineControllerManagerDeployment feature gate gets enabled until their next reconciliation. by @rfranzke [#8664]

πŸƒ Others​

  • [DEPENDENCY] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.3. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8658]
Update cloudprofiles to 0.6.7
Update dashboard to 1.70.1


✨ New Features​

  • [OPERATOR] Enhanced the gardener-dashboard helm chart with additional configuration options:
    • Browser window title is now customizable via
    • Manual configuration of OIDC redirect URLs is supported through This is particularly useful for local development setups by @holgerkoser [#1611]

πŸ› Bug Fixes​

  • [USER] If the login session in the dasboard expires the user no longer gets an error message JWT expired. In case of autoLogin is enabled the user is redirected back to the last visited page by @holgerkoser [#1612]
  • [USER] Fixed duplicative tooltip on issue since value by @petersutter [#1614]
  • [USER] Fixed a typo in shoot credentials rotation by @memeToasty [#1610]
  • [USER] Fixed two memory leaks in GTimeString and localStorage store. This issue was causing an unnecessary allocation of memory, which, over time, led to degraded UI performance and eventually leading to Out of Memory crashes. by @holgerkoser [#1613]

πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] This release includes nodejs v20.8.1 by @holgerkoser [#1609]
Update dashboard to 1.70.1


✨ New Features​

  • [OPERATOR] Enhanced the gardener-dashboard helm chart with additional configuration options:
    • Browser window title is now customizable via
    • Manual configuration of OIDC redirect URLs is supported through This is particularly useful for local development setups by @holgerkoser [#1611]

πŸ› Bug Fixes​

  • [USER] If the login session in the dasboard expires the user no longer gets an error message JWT expired. In case of autoLogin is enabled the user is redirected back to the last visited page by @holgerkoser [#1612]
  • [USER] Fixed duplicative tooltip on issue since value by @petersutter [#1614]
  • [USER] Fixed a typo in shoot credentials rotation by @memeToasty [#1610]
  • [USER] Fixed two memory leaks in GTimeString and localStorage store. This issue was causing an unnecessary allocation of memory, which, over time, led to degraded UI performance and eventually leading to Out of Memory crashes. by @holgerkoser [#1613]

πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] This release includes nodejs v20.8.1 by @holgerkoser [#1609]
Update gardener-controlplane to 1.82.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes​

  • [DEPENDENCY] The deprecated ChartRenderer.Render and ChartApplier.{Apply,Delete} methods have been dropped. Use ChartRendere.RenderEmbeddedFS and ChartApplier.{Apply,Delete}FromEmbeddedFS instead. by @rfranzke [#8540]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The hack/ script now receives the file name prefix via the -p option (previously, the prefix was the first argument to the script). by @rfranzke [#8560]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The no longer required --gardenlet-manages-mcm option has been removed. All code in provider extensions related to management/deployment of machine-controller-manager should be removed. by @rfranzke [#8596]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The deprecated label and handling has been dropped. by @rfranzke [#8540]
  • [DEPENDENCY] Provider extensions must now pass the cluster.Cluster object for the garden cluster to the genericactuator.NewActuator function. See this for an example how to create such a cluster.Cluster object. by @rfranzke [#8559]
  • [OPERATOR] Before upgrading to this Gardener versions, you must make sure that the Services of all registered provider extensions serving webhooks for the shoot cluster are annotated with[{"protocol":"TCP","port":<port>}],[{"matchLabels":{"":"shoot"}}], and by @rfranzke [#8540]
  • [DEVELOPER] Methods SkipIf and DoIf for TaskFn have been dropped. A new field SkipIf is introduced in Task, If set to true the task will be skipped and will also not be reported by the progress reporter. by @acumino [#8541]

πŸ“° Noteworthy​

  • [DEVELOPER] The pkg/utils/secrets package now signs certificates with 3072 bit RSA keys. by @dimityrmirchev [#8635]
  • [DEVELOPER] During the Migrate phase of a control plane migration of a Shoot, the state is now only persisted after all extension resources have been migrated. Consequently, make sure that you have added all state to the .status.state field of the respective extension object when running Migrate(). by @rfranzke [#8559]
  • [DEVELOPER] A script which can be used to generate an admin kubeconfig for a local shoot cluster was added in the hack/usage directory. by @dimityrmirchev [#8636]
  • [DEVELOPER] The extensions/pkg/controller/operatingsystemconfig/oscommon package is deprecated and will be removed as soon as the UseGardenerNodeAgent feature gate has been promoted to GA. OS extension developers should start adapting to this new feature, see documentation and example based on provider-local. by @rfranzke [#8647]
  • [OPERATOR] The Worker state reconciler has been dropped, i.e., updated provider extensions will no longer populate the machine state to the .status.state field of Worker resources. For a few releases, gardenlet will no longer persist any still existing data in the .status.state field of Worker resources during a control plane migration of a Shoot, and it will set .status.state to nil after a successful reconciliation or restore operation. by @rfranzke [#8559]
  • [OPERATOR] Configure the value for the flag metrics-scrape-wait-duration for compaction controller to set a wait duration at the end of every compaction job, to allow for metrics to be scraped by a Prometheus instance. by @abdasgupta [#8607]
  • [OPERATOR] The MachineControllerManagerDeployment has been promoted to GA and is now locked to "enabled by default". Make sure that all registered provider extensions support this feature gate before upgrading to this version of Gardener. by @rfranzke [#8596]
  • [OPERATOR] The GA-ed DisableScalingClassesForShoots feature gate has been removed. by @rfranzke [#8596]
  • [OPERATOR] maxSurge for kube-apiserver and gardener-apiserver of the virtual garden cluster is set to 100%. by @oliver-goetz [#8640]
  • [OPERATOR] The kube-apiserver no longer mounts root CA bundles from the underlying host. by @dimityrmirchev [#8645]
  • [USER] Gardener now uses 3072 bit RSA keys in order to generate TLS certificates. by @dimityrmirchev [#8635]
  • [USER] nginx-ingress-controller now enables annotation validation. by @dimityrmirchev [#8644]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The MachineClassKind(), MachineClass(), and MachineClassList() methods have been dropped from the generic Worker actuator's interface and do not need to be implemented anymore. by @rfranzke [#8559]

✨ New Features​

  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator maintains the two most recent generic-token-kubeconfig secrets in the runtime-cluster. In addition the latest secret name is published to the garden resource in .metadata.annotations[]. Third-party components referring to this secret should check this annotation value after a credentials or CA rotation for the virtual-garden cluster took place. by @timuthy [#8657]
  • [OPERATOR] Feature gate APIServerFastRollout for gardenlet is introduced and enabled by default. When enabled, maxSurge for kube-apiservers of Shoots is set to 100%. by @oliver-goetz [#8640]
  • [DEVELOPER] It is now possible to annotate managed resources part of ManagedResource objects with<duration>, e.g., After this time, gardener-resource-manager will forcefully delete the resource by removing their finalizers. by @rfranzke [#8584]
  • [DEVELOPER] Change port of ssh reverse tunnel to 443 by @axel7born [#8606]
  • [USER] Machine scale-up delay for new pods can now be configured for cluster-autoscaler via the field .spec.kubernetes.clusterAutoscaler.newPodScaleupDelay in the Shoot API . by @aaronfern [#8590]
  • [USER] Concurrent empty machines bulk deletion can now be configured for cluster-autoscaler via the field .spec.kubernetes.clusterAutoscaler.maxEmptyBulkDelete in the Shoot API . by @aaronfern [#8590]

πŸ› Bug Fixes​

  • [DEVELOPER] Use cgroupv2 fix for local-setup on macOS too. by @oliver-goetz [#8633]

πŸƒ Others​

  • [DEVELOPER] Gardener base image is updated to by @oliver-goetz [#8628]
  • [DEPENDENCY] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.1. by @dimityrmirchev [#8644]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The skaffold version is updated from v2.7.0 to v2.8.0. by @dimitar-kostadinov [#8634]
  • [DEPENDENCY] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.3. by @dimityrmirchev [#8650]
  • [OPERATOR] Kubernetes feature gate UnauthenticatedHTTP2DOSMitigation is considered valid for versions >= 1.25. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8670]
  • [OPERATOR] The regression is now fixed and the control plane logs shall be visible in the Plutono dashboards. by @nickytd [#8655]
  • [OPERATOR] The following Golang dependencies have been updated:
    •* from v0.28.2 to v0.28.3
    • from v0.16.2 to v0.16.3 by @gardener-ci-robot [#8677]

πŸ“– Documentation​

  • [USER] Added an example for AdminKubeconfigRequest via the Python Kubernetes client. by @Shegox [#8651]


✨ New Features​

  • [USER] Update golang 1.20.4 -> 1.21.3 by @axel7born [gardener/ext-authz-server#23]


πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] Remove unneeded Monitor function from iptables implementation by @axel7born [gardener/apiserver-proxy#54]
  • [OPERATOR] Update golang image in verify step to 1.21.3. by @DockToFuture [gardener/apiserver-proxy#56]


πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] Update alpine base image version to 3.18.4. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#666]

Docker Images​

operator: resource-manager: admission-controller: apiserver: controller-manager: scheduler: gardenlet:

Update gardener-controlplane to 1.82.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes​

  • [DEPENDENCY] The deprecated ChartRenderer.Render and ChartApplier.{Apply,Delete} methods have been dropped. Use ChartRendere.RenderEmbeddedFS and ChartApplier.{Apply,Delete}FromEmbeddedFS instead. by @rfranzke [#8540]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The hack/ script now receives the file name prefix via the -p option (previously, the prefix was the first argument to the script). by @rfranzke [#8560]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The no longer required --gardenlet-manages-mcm option has been removed. All code in provider extensions related to management/deployment of machine-controller-manager should be removed. by @rfranzke [#8596]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The deprecated label and handling has been dropped. by @rfranzke [#8540]
  • [DEPENDENCY] Provider extensions must now pass the cluster.Cluster object for the garden cluster to the genericactuator.NewActuator function. See this for an example how to create such a cluster.Cluster object. by @rfranzke [#8559]
  • [OPERATOR] Before upgrading to this Gardener versions, you must make sure that the Services of all registered provider extensions serving webhooks for the shoot cluster are annotated with[{"protocol":"TCP","port":<port>}],[{"matchLabels":{"":"shoot"}}], and by @rfranzke [#8540]
  • [DEVELOPER] Methods SkipIf and DoIf for TaskFn have been dropped. A new field SkipIf is introduced in Task, If set to true the task will be skipped and will also not be reported by the progress reporter. by @acumino [#8541]

πŸ“° Noteworthy​

  • [DEVELOPER] The pkg/utils/secrets package now signs certificates with 3072 bit RSA keys. by @dimityrmirchev [#8635]
  • [DEVELOPER] During the Migrate phase of a control plane migration of a Shoot, the state is now only persisted after all extension resources have been migrated. Consequently, make sure that you have added all state to the .status.state field of the respective extension object when running Migrate(). by @rfranzke [#8559]
  • [DEVELOPER] A script which can be used to generate an admin kubeconfig for a local shoot cluster was added in the hack/usage directory. by @dimityrmirchev [#8636]
  • [DEVELOPER] The extensions/pkg/controller/operatingsystemconfig/oscommon package is deprecated and will be removed as soon as the UseGardenerNodeAgent feature gate has been promoted to GA. OS extension developers should start adapting to this new feature, see documentation and example based on provider-local. by @rfranzke [#8647]
  • [OPERATOR] The Worker state reconciler has been dropped, i.e., updated provider extensions will no longer populate the machine state to the .status.state field of Worker resources. For a few releases, gardenlet will no longer persist any still existing data in the .status.state field of Worker resources during a control plane migration of a Shoot, and it will set .status.state to nil after a successful reconciliation or restore operation. by @rfranzke [#8559]
  • [OPERATOR] Configure the value for the flag metrics-scrape-wait-duration for compaction controller to set a wait duration at the end of every compaction job, to allow for metrics to be scraped by a Prometheus instance. by @abdasgupta [#8607]
  • [OPERATOR] The MachineControllerManagerDeployment has been promoted to GA and is now locked to "enabled by default". Make sure that all registered provider extensions support this feature gate before upgrading to this version of Gardener. by @rfranzke [#8596]
  • [OPERATOR] The GA-ed DisableScalingClassesForShoots feature gate has been removed. by @rfranzke [#8596]
  • [OPERATOR] maxSurge for kube-apiserver and gardener-apiserver of the virtual garden cluster is set to 100%. by @oliver-goetz [#8640]
  • [OPERATOR] The kube-apiserver no longer mounts root CA bundles from the underlying host. by @dimityrmirchev [#8645]
  • [USER] Gardener now uses 3072 bit RSA keys in order to generate TLS certificates. by @dimityrmirchev [#8635]
  • [USER] nginx-ingress-controller now enables annotation validation. by @dimityrmirchev [#8644]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The MachineClassKind(), MachineClass(), and MachineClassList() methods have been dropped from the generic Worker actuator's interface and do not need to be implemented anymore. by @rfranzke [#8559]

✨ New Features​

  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator maintains the two most recent generic-token-kubeconfig secrets in the runtime-cluster. In addition the latest secret name is published to the garden resource in .metadata.annotations[]. Third-party components referring to this secret should check this annotation value after a credentials or CA rotation for the virtual-garden cluster took place. by @timuthy [#8657]
  • [OPERATOR] Feature gate APIServerFastRollout for gardenlet is introduced and enabled by default. When enabled, maxSurge for kube-apiservers of Shoots is set to 100%. by @oliver-goetz [#8640]
  • [DEVELOPER] It is now possible to annotate managed resources part of ManagedResource objects with<duration>, e.g., After this time, gardener-resource-manager will forcefully delete the resource by removing their finalizers. by @rfranzke [#8584]
  • [DEVELOPER] Change port of ssh reverse tunnel to 443 by @axel7born [#8606]
  • [USER] Machine scale-up delay for new pods can now be configured for cluster-autoscaler via the field .spec.kubernetes.clusterAutoscaler.newPodScaleupDelay in the Shoot API . by @aaronfern [#8590]
  • [USER] Concurrent empty machines bulk deletion can now be configured for cluster-autoscaler via the field .spec.kubernetes.clusterAutoscaler.maxEmptyBulkDelete in the Shoot API . by @aaronfern [#8590]

πŸ› Bug Fixes​

  • [DEVELOPER] Use cgroupv2 fix for local-setup on macOS too. by @oliver-goetz [#8633]

πŸƒ Others​

  • [DEVELOPER] Gardener base image is updated to by @oliver-goetz [#8628]
  • [DEPENDENCY] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.1. by @dimityrmirchev [#8644]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The skaffold version is updated from v2.7.0 to v2.8.0. by @dimitar-kostadinov [#8634]
  • [DEPENDENCY] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.3. by @dimityrmirchev [#8650]
  • [OPERATOR] Kubernetes feature gate UnauthenticatedHTTP2DOSMitigation is considered valid for versions >= 1.25. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8670]
  • [OPERATOR] The regression is now fixed and the control plane logs shall be visible in the Plutono dashboards. by @nickytd [#8655]
  • [OPERATOR] The following Golang dependencies have been updated:
    •* from v0.28.2 to v0.28.3
    • from v0.16.2 to v0.16.3 by @gardener-ci-robot [#8677]

πŸ“– Documentation​

  • [USER] Added an example for AdminKubeconfigRequest via the Python Kubernetes client. by @Shegox [#8651]


✨ New Features​

  • [USER] Update golang 1.20.4 -> 1.21.3 by @axel7born [gardener/ext-authz-server#23]


πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] Remove unneeded Monitor function from iptables implementation by @axel7born [gardener/apiserver-proxy#54]
  • [OPERATOR] Update golang image in verify step to 1.21.3. by @DockToFuture [gardener/apiserver-proxy#56]


πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] Update alpine base image version to 3.18.4. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#666]

Docker Images​

operator: resource-manager: admission-controller: apiserver: controller-manager: scheduler: gardenlet:

Update gardenlet to 1.82.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes​

  • [DEPENDENCY] The deprecated ChartRenderer.Render and ChartApplier.{Apply,Delete} methods have been dropped. Use ChartRendere.RenderEmbeddedFS and ChartApplier.{Apply,Delete}FromEmbeddedFS instead. by @rfranzke [#8540]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The hack/ script now receives the file name prefix via the -p option (previously, the prefix was the first argument to the script). by @rfranzke [#8560]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The no longer required --gardenlet-manages-mcm option has been removed. All code in provider extensions related to management/deployment of machine-controller-manager should be removed. by @rfranzke [#8596]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The deprecated label and handling has been dropped. by @rfranzke [#8540]
  • [DEPENDENCY] Provider extensions must now pass the cluster.Cluster object for the garden cluster to the genericactuator.NewActuator function. See this for an example how to create such a cluster.Cluster object. by @rfranzke [#8559]
  • [OPERATOR] Before upgrading to this Gardener versions, you must make sure that the Services of all registered provider extensions serving webhooks for the shoot cluster are annotated with[{"protocol":"TCP","port":<port>}],[{"matchLabels":{"":"shoot"}}], and by @rfranzke [#8540]
  • [DEVELOPER] Methods SkipIf and DoIf for TaskFn have been dropped. A new field SkipIf is introduced in Task, If set to true the task will be skipped and will also not be reported by the progress reporter. by @acumino [#8541]

πŸ“° Noteworthy​

  • [DEVELOPER] The pkg/utils/secrets package now signs certificates with 3072 bit RSA keys. by @dimityrmirchev [#8635]
  • [DEVELOPER] During the Migrate phase of a control plane migration of a Shoot, the state is now only persisted after all extension resources have been migrated. Consequently, make sure that you have added all state to the .status.state field of the respective extension object when running Migrate(). by @rfranzke [#8559]
  • [DEVELOPER] A script which can be used to generate an admin kubeconfig for a local shoot cluster was added in the hack/usage directory. by @dimityrmirchev [#8636]
  • [DEVELOPER] The extensions/pkg/controller/operatingsystemconfig/oscommon package is deprecated and will be removed as soon as the UseGardenerNodeAgent feature gate has been promoted to GA. OS extension developers should start adapting to this new feature, see documentation and example based on provider-local. by @rfranzke [#8647]
  • [OPERATOR] The Worker state reconciler has been dropped, i.e., updated provider extensions will no longer populate the machine state to the .status.state field of Worker resources. For a few releases, gardenlet will no longer persist any still existing data in the .status.state field of Worker resources during a control plane migration of a Shoot, and it will set .status.state to nil after a successful reconciliation or restore operation. by @rfranzke [#8559]
  • [OPERATOR] Configure the value for the flag metrics-scrape-wait-duration for compaction controller to set a wait duration at the end of every compaction job, to allow for metrics to be scraped by a Prometheus instance. by @abdasgupta [#8607]
  • [OPERATOR] The MachineControllerManagerDeployment has been promoted to GA and is now locked to "enabled by default". Make sure that all registered provider extensions support this feature gate before upgrading to this version of Gardener. by @rfranzke [#8596]
  • [OPERATOR] The GA-ed DisableScalingClassesForShoots feature gate has been removed. by @rfranzke [#8596]
  • [OPERATOR] maxSurge for kube-apiserver and gardener-apiserver of the virtual garden cluster is set to 100%. by @oliver-goetz [#8640]
  • [OPERATOR] The kube-apiserver no longer mounts root CA bundles from the underlying host. by @dimityrmirchev [#8645]
  • [USER] Gardener now uses 3072 bit RSA keys in order to generate TLS certificates. by @dimityrmirchev [#8635]
  • [USER] nginx-ingress-controller now enables annotation validation. by @dimityrmirchev [#8644]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The MachineClassKind(), MachineClass(), and MachineClassList() methods have been dropped from the generic Worker actuator's interface and do not need to be implemented anymore. by @rfranzke [#8559]

✨ New Features​

  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator maintains the two most recent generic-token-kubeconfig secrets in the runtime-cluster. In addition the latest secret name is published to the garden resource in .metadata.annotations[]. Third-party components referring to this secret should check this annotation value after a credentials or CA rotation for the virtual-garden cluster took place. by @timuthy [#8657]
  • [OPERATOR] Feature gate APIServerFastRollout for gardenlet is introduced and enabled by default. When enabled, maxSurge for kube-apiservers of Shoots is set to 100%. by @oliver-goetz [#8640]
  • [DEVELOPER] It is now possible to annotate managed resources part of ManagedResource objects with<duration>, e.g., After this time, gardener-resource-manager will forcefully delete the resource by removing their finalizers. by @rfranzke [#8584]
  • [DEVELOPER] Change port of ssh reverse tunnel to 443 by @axel7born [#8606]
  • [USER] Machine scale-up delay for new pods can now be configured for cluster-autoscaler via the field .spec.kubernetes.clusterAutoscaler.newPodScaleupDelay in the Shoot API . by @aaronfern [#8590]
  • [USER] Concurrent empty machines bulk deletion can now be configured for cluster-autoscaler via the field .spec.kubernetes.clusterAutoscaler.maxEmptyBulkDelete in the Shoot API . by @aaronfern [#8590]

πŸ› Bug Fixes​

  • [DEVELOPER] Use cgroupv2 fix for local-setup on macOS too. by @oliver-goetz [#8633]

πŸƒ Others​

  • [DEVELOPER] Gardener base image is updated to by @oliver-goetz [#8628]
  • [DEPENDENCY] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.1. by @dimityrmirchev [#8644]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The skaffold version is updated from v2.7.0 to v2.8.0. by @dimitar-kostadinov [#8634]
  • [DEPENDENCY] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.3. by @dimityrmirchev [#8650]
  • [OPERATOR] Kubernetes feature gate UnauthenticatedHTTP2DOSMitigation is considered valid for versions >= 1.25. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8670]
  • [OPERATOR] The regression is now fixed and the control plane logs shall be visible in the Plutono dashboards. by @nickytd [#8655]
  • [OPERATOR] The following Golang dependencies have been updated:
    •* from v0.28.2 to v0.28.3
    • from v0.16.2 to v0.16.3 by @gardener-ci-robot [#8677]

πŸ“– Documentation​

  • [USER] Added an example for AdminKubeconfigRequest via the Python Kubernetes client. by @Shegox [#8651]


✨ New Features​

  • [USER] Update golang 1.20.4 -> 1.21.3 by @axel7born [gardener/ext-authz-server#23]


πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] Remove unneeded Monitor function from iptables implementation by @axel7born [gardener/apiserver-proxy#54]
  • [OPERATOR] Update golang image in verify step to 1.21.3. by @DockToFuture [gardener/apiserver-proxy#56]


πŸƒ Others​

  • [OPERATOR] Update alpine base image version to 3.18.4. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#666]

Docker Images​

operator: resource-manager: admission-controller: apiserver: controller-manager: scheduler: gardenlet: