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Release Notes v1.73

23KE release notes and upgrade guide

No special steps needed, please refer to the gardener release notes below.

Update provider-aws to 1.44.0


✨ New Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

📖 Documentation

🏃 Others


🏃 Others


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] Removal of the following flags (and corresponding fields in associated structs): 'machine-creation-timeout' 'machine-drain-timeout', 'machine-pv-detach-timeout', 'machine-health-timeout=10m', 'machine-safety-apiserver-statuscheck-timeout', 'machine-safety-apiserver-statuscheck-period', 'machine-safety-orphan-vms-period', 'machine-max-evict-retries', 'node-conditions', 'bootstrap-token-auth-extra-groups', 'delete-migrated-machine-class'. The MCM no longer accepts these flags since these are options handled by the Machine Controller invoked by platform specific provider launchers. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#769, @elankath)
  • [DEVELOPER] Deletion of 'Driver.GenerateMachineClassForMigration'. Providers need to adapt to this. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#769, @elankath)

✨ New Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

📖 Documentation

🏃 Others


⚠️ Breaking Changes

🐛 Bug Fixes

🏃 Others


🏃 Others

Update provider-azure to 1.36.0


📖 Documentation

🏃 Others


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] Removal of the following flags (and corresponding fields in associated structs): 'machine-creation-timeout' 'machine-drain-timeout', 'machine-pv-detach-timeout', 'machine-health-timeout=10m', 'machine-safety-apiserver-statuscheck-timeout', 'machine-safety-apiserver-statuscheck-period', 'machine-safety-orphan-vms-period', 'machine-max-evict-retries', 'node-conditions', 'bootstrap-token-auth-extra-groups', 'delete-migrated-machine-class'. The MCM no longer accepts these flags since these are options handled by the Machine Controller invoked by platform specific provider launchers. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#769, @elankath)
  • [DEVELOPER] Deletion of 'Driver.GenerateMachineClassForMigration'. Providers need to adapt to this. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#769, @elankath)

✨ New Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

📖 Documentation

🏃 Others


⚠️ Breaking Changes

🏃 Others

📰 Noteworthy


🏃 Others

Update provider-openstack to 1.34.0


🐛 Bug Fixes

📖 Documentation

🏃 Others


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [USER] node field is removed from machine status. controller will now depend on the node label which already was present in the machine object's metadata. If you(or your controller) are dependent on the status.node field of the machine object, then kindly use node label under .metadata.labels (gardener/machine-controller-manager#745, @rishabh-11)
  • [OPERATOR] Removal of the following flags (and corresponding fields in associated structs): 'machine-creation-timeout' 'machine-drain-timeout', 'machine-pv-detach-timeout', 'machine-health-timeout=10m', 'machine-safety-apiserver-statuscheck-timeout', 'machine-safety-apiserver-statuscheck-period', 'machine-safety-orphan-vms-period', 'machine-max-evict-retries', 'node-conditions', 'bootstrap-token-auth-extra-groups', 'delete-migrated-machine-class'. The MCM no longer accepts these flags since these are options handled by the Machine Controller invoked by platform specific provider launchers. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#769, @elankath)
  • [DEVELOPER] Deletion of 'Driver.GenerateMachineClassForMigration'. Providers need to adapt to this. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#769, @elankath)

✨ New Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

📖 Documentation

🏃 Others


⚠️ Breaking Changes

🏃 Others


🏃 Others

Update provider-aws to 1.44.1


🐛 Bug Fixes

Update provider-azure to 1.36.1


🏃 Others

Update gardener-controlplane to 1.72.1


🐛 Bug Fixes

🏃 Others

Update gardener-controlplane to 1.72.1


🐛 Bug Fixes

🏃 Others

Update gardenlet to 1.72.1


🐛 Bug Fixes

🏃 Others

Update runtime-gvisor to 0.10.0


🐛 Bug Fixes

🏃 Others

Update external-dns-management to 0.15.4


🏃 Others

Update cert-management to 0.10.6


✨ New Features

🏃 Others

Update provider-aws to 1.44.2


🐛 Bug Fixes

Update os-ubuntu to 1.22.0


🏃 Others

Update shoot-cert-service to 1.33.0


✨ New Features

🏃 Others


✨ New Features

🏃 Others

Update shoot-dns-service to 1.35.0


🏃 Others


🏃 Others

Update cloudprofiles to 0.6.3

What's Changed

Full Changelog:

Update provider-gcp to 1.29.4


🏃 Others

Update gardener-controlplane to 1.73.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] The field .spec.secretRef in the Seed API has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Gardener. (gardener/gardener#8064, @acumino)
  • [OPERATOR] Before upgrading to this gardener version, operators should configure gardener-apiserver to encrypt the resource in etcd. (gardener/gardener#8078, @timebertt)
  • [OPERATOR] The GA-ed feature gates SeedChange and CopyEtcdBackupsDuringControlPlaneMigration have been removed. (gardener/gardener#8008, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] The feature gates FullNetworkPolicies and HAControlPlanes have been promoted to GA and are now locked to "unconditionally enabled". (gardener/gardener#8008, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] The deprecated feature gate APIServerSNI has been removed. (gardener/gardener#8062, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] Functions controllerutils.GetAndCreateOrMergePatch, controllerutils.GetAndCreateOrStrategicMergePatch, controllerutils.CreateOrGetAndMergePatch and controllerutils.CreateOrGetAndStrategicMergePatch were incompatibly changed and now accept a controllerutils.PatchOption instead of client.MergeFromOption. (gardener/gardener#8043, @timuthy)
    • If your controllers use one of these functions with client.MergeFromOption, you should update it to controllerutils.PatchOption.
    • The controllerutils.PatchOption can hold two options today:
    • client.MergeFromOption which is passed to the underlying patch function.
    • controllerutils.SkipEmptyPatch which prevents sending empty patches ({}).

✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] A new alpha feature gate DisableScalingClassesForShoots has been introduced on gardenlet. If turned on, initial resource requests for kube-apiservers of shoot clusters running on seed clusters which enable the HVPA feature gate are assigned statically and no longer by a scaling class determined by maximum node count. This helps to reduce resource waste for clusters with little usage. (gardener/gardener#8003, @voelzmo)
  • [OPERATOR] A new alpha feature gate named MachineControllerManagerDeployment has been introduced in gardenlet. Only enable it when all registered provider extensions in your landscape support this feature. (gardener/gardener#8018, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-apiserver now exposes a new API, see the documentation for more information. (gardener/gardener#8025, @timebertt)
  • [OPERATOR] The gardenlet's ManagedSeed controller now cleans up the referred seed secret when .spec.secretRef is unset in the seed template. (gardener/gardener#8039, @shafeeqes)
  • [DEVELOPER] It is now easier to annotate Services related to extensions serving webhook handlers that must be reached by kube-apiservers running in separate namespaces such that the respective network traffic gets allowed. Please refer to this guide for all information. Extensions serving shoot webhook should make use of this new approach - the old functionality deploying dedicated NetworkPolicys is deprecated and will be removed in the future. (gardener/gardener#8076, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] gardenlet's ControllerInstallation controller now populates the feature gate of gardenlet via the Helm values to extensions when they are getting installed. The information is populated via the .gardener.gardenlet.featureGates key. It contains a map whose keys are feature gates names and whose values are booleans (depicting the enablement status). (gardener/gardener#8011, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] Provider extensions should be adapted such that they only inject their provider-specific machine-controller-manager sidecar container into the machine-controller-manager deployment instead of managing the full deployment themselves. In the future, gardenlet will take over managing it. Please see for an example how provider-local was adapted and replicate it for your provider extensions. (gardener/gardener#8018, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] Provider extensions should be adapted such that they no longer perform health checks specific to the machine-controller-manager deployment or the machines/nodes. In the future, gardenlet will take over performing these checks. Please see for an example how provider-local was adapted and replicate it for your provider extensions. (gardener/gardener#8056, @rfranzke)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] A bug causing the shoot provider label in the infrastructure secret to not get cleaned up is now fixed. (gardener/gardener#7994, @shafeeqes)
  • [USER] Webhooks remediator sets the timeoutSeonds to 3 seconds for webhook affecting lease resources in kube-system namespace only if there is no objectSelector provided in webhook. (gardener/gardener#8034, @acumino)
  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed in the garden/fluent-bit that caused a failure in creating networkpolicies for scraping metrics. (gardener/gardener#8069, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed in the HighAvailabilityConfig-Webhook which caused duplicated entries for zone affinities. (gardener/gardener#8042, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] The terraformer library will now skip deletion of the Terraformer pod when the request context has been canceled. This change aims to prevent inconsistencies in Terraform state by attempting to allow uninterrupted execution of healthy Terraformer pods. (gardener/gardener#8059, @kon-angelo)
  • [DEVELOPER] pkg/resourcemanager/controller/garbagecollector/references.InjectAnnotations now also handles pods.spec.imagePullSecrets. (gardener/gardener#8028, @vpnachev)

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] The shoot namespace in seeds is redeployed during shoot deletion to update the zones in use. (gardener/gardener#8079, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] nginx-ingress-controller-seed image is updated to v1.8.0 for 1.24.x+ seeds. (gardener/gardener#8021, @shafeeqes)
  • [OPERATOR] The following image is updated: (gardener/gardener#8029, @nickytd)
    • v0.14.0 -> v0.14.2
  • [OPERATOR] The worker count for the NetworkPolicy controller in GRM was increased to 20. This is necessary to create and update NetworkPolicies in time, esp. on larger seed clusters. (gardener/gardener#8035, @timuthy)
  • [DEVELOPER] gardenlet is taking over management of the CustomResourceDefinitions for the API group, hence extensions do no longer need to take care. Consequently, the extensions/pkg/controller/worker.Options struct as well as the extensions/pkg/controller/worker.ApplyMachineResources{ForConfig} functions are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. (gardener/gardener#8015, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] Go version is updated to 1.20.5. (gardener/gardener#8037, @shafeeqes)
  • [DEVELOPER] The kind clusters are now unified to use DNS name in the containerd config when configuring registry mirror hostnames. Previously, to access the pull through registry cache some kind clusters were configured to use, others - the Node name of the control plane Node. (gardener/gardener#8063, @ialidzhikov)
Update gardener-controlplane to 1.73.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] The field .spec.secretRef in the Seed API has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Gardener. (gardener/gardener#8064, @acumino)
  • [OPERATOR] Before upgrading to this gardener version, operators should configure gardener-apiserver to encrypt the resource in etcd. (gardener/gardener#8078, @timebertt)
  • [OPERATOR] The GA-ed feature gates SeedChange and CopyEtcdBackupsDuringControlPlaneMigration have been removed. (gardener/gardener#8008, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] The feature gates FullNetworkPolicies and HAControlPlanes have been promoted to GA and are now locked to "unconditionally enabled". (gardener/gardener#8008, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] The deprecated feature gate APIServerSNI has been removed. (gardener/gardener#8062, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] Functions controllerutils.GetAndCreateOrMergePatch, controllerutils.GetAndCreateOrStrategicMergePatch, controllerutils.CreateOrGetAndMergePatch and controllerutils.CreateOrGetAndStrategicMergePatch were incompatibly changed and now accept a controllerutils.PatchOption instead of client.MergeFromOption. (gardener/gardener#8043, @timuthy)
    • If your controllers use one of these functions with client.MergeFromOption, you should update it to controllerutils.PatchOption.
    • The controllerutils.PatchOption can hold two options today:
    • client.MergeFromOption which is passed to the underlying patch function.
    • controllerutils.SkipEmptyPatch which prevents sending empty patches ({}).

✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] A new alpha feature gate DisableScalingClassesForShoots has been introduced on gardenlet. If turned on, initial resource requests for kube-apiservers of shoot clusters running on seed clusters which enable the HVPA feature gate are assigned statically and no longer by a scaling class determined by maximum node count. This helps to reduce resource waste for clusters with little usage. (gardener/gardener#8003, @voelzmo)
  • [OPERATOR] A new alpha feature gate named MachineControllerManagerDeployment has been introduced in gardenlet. Only enable it when all registered provider extensions in your landscape support this feature. (gardener/gardener#8018, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-apiserver now exposes a new API, see the documentation for more information. (gardener/gardener#8025, @timebertt)
  • [OPERATOR] The gardenlet's ManagedSeed controller now cleans up the referred seed secret when .spec.secretRef is unset in the seed template. (gardener/gardener#8039, @shafeeqes)
  • [DEVELOPER] It is now easier to annotate Services related to extensions serving webhook handlers that must be reached by kube-apiservers running in separate namespaces such that the respective network traffic gets allowed. Please refer to this guide for all information. Extensions serving shoot webhook should make use of this new approach - the old functionality deploying dedicated NetworkPolicys is deprecated and will be removed in the future. (gardener/gardener#8076, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] gardenlet's ControllerInstallation controller now populates the feature gate of gardenlet via the Helm values to extensions when they are getting installed. The information is populated via the .gardener.gardenlet.featureGates key. It contains a map whose keys are feature gates names and whose values are booleans (depicting the enablement status). (gardener/gardener#8011, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] Provider extensions should be adapted such that they only inject their provider-specific machine-controller-manager sidecar container into the machine-controller-manager deployment instead of managing the full deployment themselves. In the future, gardenlet will take over managing it. Please see for an example how provider-local was adapted and replicate it for your provider extensions. (gardener/gardener#8018, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] Provider extensions should be adapted such that they no longer perform health checks specific to the machine-controller-manager deployment or the machines/nodes. In the future, gardenlet will take over performing these checks. Please see for an example how provider-local was adapted and replicate it for your provider extensions. (gardener/gardener#8056, @rfranzke)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] A bug causing the shoot provider label in the infrastructure secret to not get cleaned up is now fixed. (gardener/gardener#7994, @shafeeqes)
  • [USER] Webhooks remediator sets the timeoutSeonds to 3 seconds for webhook affecting lease resources in kube-system namespace only if there is no objectSelector provided in webhook. (gardener/gardener#8034, @acumino)
  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed in the garden/fluent-bit that caused a failure in creating networkpolicies for scraping metrics. (gardener/gardener#8069, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed in the HighAvailabilityConfig-Webhook which caused duplicated entries for zone affinities. (gardener/gardener#8042, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] The terraformer library will now skip deletion of the Terraformer pod when the request context has been canceled. This change aims to prevent inconsistencies in Terraform state by attempting to allow uninterrupted execution of healthy Terraformer pods. (gardener/gardener#8059, @kon-angelo)
  • [DEVELOPER] pkg/resourcemanager/controller/garbagecollector/references.InjectAnnotations now also handles pods.spec.imagePullSecrets. (gardener/gardener#8028, @vpnachev)

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] The shoot namespace in seeds is redeployed during shoot deletion to update the zones in use. (gardener/gardener#8079, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] nginx-ingress-controller-seed image is updated to v1.8.0 for 1.24.x+ seeds. (gardener/gardener#8021, @shafeeqes)
  • [OPERATOR] The following image is updated: (gardener/gardener#8029, @nickytd)
    • v0.14.0 -> v0.14.2
  • [OPERATOR] The worker count for the NetworkPolicy controller in GRM was increased to 20. This is necessary to create and update NetworkPolicies in time, esp. on larger seed clusters. (gardener/gardener#8035, @timuthy)
  • [DEVELOPER] gardenlet is taking over management of the CustomResourceDefinitions for the API group, hence extensions do no longer need to take care. Consequently, the extensions/pkg/controller/worker.Options struct as well as the extensions/pkg/controller/worker.ApplyMachineResources{ForConfig} functions are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. (gardener/gardener#8015, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] Go version is updated to 1.20.5. (gardener/gardener#8037, @shafeeqes)
  • [DEVELOPER] The kind clusters are now unified to use DNS name in the containerd config when configuring registry mirror hostnames. Previously, to access the pull through registry cache some kind clusters were configured to use, others - the Node name of the control plane Node. (gardener/gardener#8063, @ialidzhikov)
Update gardenlet to 1.73.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] The field .spec.secretRef in the Seed API has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Gardener. (gardener/gardener#8064, @acumino)
  • [OPERATOR] Before upgrading to this gardener version, operators should configure gardener-apiserver to encrypt the resource in etcd. (gardener/gardener#8078, @timebertt)
  • [OPERATOR] The GA-ed feature gates SeedChange and CopyEtcdBackupsDuringControlPlaneMigration have been removed. (gardener/gardener#8008, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] The feature gates FullNetworkPolicies and HAControlPlanes have been promoted to GA and are now locked to "unconditionally enabled". (gardener/gardener#8008, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] The deprecated feature gate APIServerSNI has been removed. (gardener/gardener#8062, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] Functions controllerutils.GetAndCreateOrMergePatch, controllerutils.GetAndCreateOrStrategicMergePatch, controllerutils.CreateOrGetAndMergePatch and controllerutils.CreateOrGetAndStrategicMergePatch were incompatibly changed and now accept a controllerutils.PatchOption instead of client.MergeFromOption. (gardener/gardener#8043, @timuthy)
    • If your controllers use one of these functions with client.MergeFromOption, you should update it to controllerutils.PatchOption.
    • The controllerutils.PatchOption can hold two options today:
    • client.MergeFromOption which is passed to the underlying patch function.
    • controllerutils.SkipEmptyPatch which prevents sending empty patches ({}).

✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] A new alpha feature gate DisableScalingClassesForShoots has been introduced on gardenlet. If turned on, initial resource requests for kube-apiservers of shoot clusters running on seed clusters which enable the HVPA feature gate are assigned statically and no longer by a scaling class determined by maximum node count. This helps to reduce resource waste for clusters with little usage. (gardener/gardener#8003, @voelzmo)
  • [OPERATOR] A new alpha feature gate named MachineControllerManagerDeployment has been introduced in gardenlet. Only enable it when all registered provider extensions in your landscape support this feature. (gardener/gardener#8018, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-apiserver now exposes a new API, see the documentation for more information. (gardener/gardener#8025, @timebertt)
  • [OPERATOR] The gardenlet's ManagedSeed controller now cleans up the referred seed secret when .spec.secretRef is unset in the seed template. (gardener/gardener#8039, @shafeeqes)
  • [DEVELOPER] It is now easier to annotate Services related to extensions serving webhook handlers that must be reached by kube-apiservers running in separate namespaces such that the respective network traffic gets allowed. Please refer to this guide for all information. Extensions serving shoot webhook should make use of this new approach - the old functionality deploying dedicated NetworkPolicys is deprecated and will be removed in the future. (gardener/gardener#8076, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] gardenlet's ControllerInstallation controller now populates the feature gate of gardenlet via the Helm values to extensions when they are getting installed. The information is populated via the .gardener.gardenlet.featureGates key. It contains a map whose keys are feature gates names and whose values are booleans (depicting the enablement status). (gardener/gardener#8011, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] Provider extensions should be adapted such that they only inject their provider-specific machine-controller-manager sidecar container into the machine-controller-manager deployment instead of managing the full deployment themselves. In the future, gardenlet will take over managing it. Please see for an example how provider-local was adapted and replicate it for your provider extensions. (gardener/gardener#8018, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] Provider extensions should be adapted such that they no longer perform health checks specific to the machine-controller-manager deployment or the machines/nodes. In the future, gardenlet will take over performing these checks. Please see for an example how provider-local was adapted and replicate it for your provider extensions. (gardener/gardener#8056, @rfranzke)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] A bug causing the shoot provider label in the infrastructure secret to not get cleaned up is now fixed. (gardener/gardener#7994, @shafeeqes)
  • [USER] Webhooks remediator sets the timeoutSeonds to 3 seconds for webhook affecting lease resources in kube-system namespace only if there is no objectSelector provided in webhook. (gardener/gardener#8034, @acumino)
  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed in the garden/fluent-bit that caused a failure in creating networkpolicies for scraping metrics. (gardener/gardener#8069, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed in the HighAvailabilityConfig-Webhook which caused duplicated entries for zone affinities. (gardener/gardener#8042, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] The terraformer library will now skip deletion of the Terraformer pod when the request context has been canceled. This change aims to prevent inconsistencies in Terraform state by attempting to allow uninterrupted execution of healthy Terraformer pods. (gardener/gardener#8059, @kon-angelo)
  • [DEVELOPER] pkg/resourcemanager/controller/garbagecollector/references.InjectAnnotations now also handles pods.spec.imagePullSecrets. (gardener/gardener#8028, @vpnachev)

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] The shoot namespace in seeds is redeployed during shoot deletion to update the zones in use. (gardener/gardener#8079, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] nginx-ingress-controller-seed image is updated to v1.8.0 for 1.24.x+ seeds. (gardener/gardener#8021, @shafeeqes)
  • [OPERATOR] The following image is updated: (gardener/gardener#8029, @nickytd)
    • v0.14.0 -> v0.14.2
  • [OPERATOR] The worker count for the NetworkPolicy controller in GRM was increased to 20. This is necessary to create and update NetworkPolicies in time, esp. on larger seed clusters. (gardener/gardener#8035, @timuthy)
  • [DEVELOPER] gardenlet is taking over management of the CustomResourceDefinitions for the API group, hence extensions do no longer need to take care. Consequently, the extensions/pkg/controller/worker.Options struct as well as the extensions/pkg/controller/worker.ApplyMachineResources{ForConfig} functions are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. (gardener/gardener#8015, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] Go version is updated to 1.20.5. (gardener/gardener#8037, @shafeeqes)
  • [DEVELOPER] The kind clusters are now unified to use DNS name in the containerd config when configuring registry mirror hostnames. Previously, to access the pull through registry cache some kind clusters were configured to use, others - the Node name of the control plane Node. (gardener/gardener#8063, @ialidzhikov)
Update provider-gcp to 1.30.0


📖 Documentation

🏃 Others


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] Removal of the following flags (and corresponding fields in associated structs): 'machine-creation-timeout' 'machine-drain-timeout', 'machine-pv-detach-timeout', 'machine-health-timeout=10m', 'machine-safety-apiserver-statuscheck-timeout', 'machine-safety-apiserver-statuscheck-period', 'machine-safety-orphan-vms-period', 'machine-max-evict-retries', 'node-conditions', 'bootstrap-token-auth-extra-groups', 'delete-migrated-machine-class'. The MCM no longer accepts these flags since these are options handled by the Machine Controller invoked by platform specific provider launchers. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#769, @elankath)
  • [DEVELOPER] Deletion of 'Driver.GenerateMachineClassForMigration'. Providers need to adapt to this. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#769, @elankath)

✨ New Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

📖 Documentation

🏃 Others


⚠️ Breaking Changes

🏃 Others


🏃 Others

Update etcd to 5.3.1

What's Changed

Full Changelog:

Update etcd to 5.3.1

What's Changed

Full Changelog:

Update external-dns-management to 0.15.5


✨ New Features

Update shoot-dns-service to 1.36.0


✨ New Features

Update provider-openstack to 1.35.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes

✨ New Features

🏃 Others

Update networking-calico to 1.34.1


🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] networking-calico does no longer use Gardener GCR copies for the calico images. Instead, the upstream container images are used (,,, (gardener/gardener-extension-networking-calico#277, @ialidzhikov)