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Release Notes v1.80

23KE release notes and upgrade guide

Update networking-cilium to 1.28.0


✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] Expose configuration of cni.exclusive. by @axel7born [#214]
Update gardener-controlplane to 1.79.1


📰 Noteworthy

  • [OPERATOR] gardener-resource-manager now disables cache only for Secrets and ConfigMap if DisableCachedClient set to true. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8476]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] Applying Gardener resources server-side has caused the the server is currently unable to handle the request error which is now fixed. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8473]
  • [OPERATOR] Several default settings of Kubernetes feature gates have been corrected. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8469]
  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed that prevented ControllerInstallations from getting deleted when the backing ControllerRegistration with .spec.deployment.policy={Always,AlwaysExceptNoShoots} was deleted. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8451]
Update gardener-controlplane to 1.79.1


📰 Noteworthy

  • [OPERATOR] gardener-resource-manager now disables cache only for Secrets and ConfigMap if DisableCachedClient set to true. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8476]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] Applying Gardener resources server-side has caused the the server is currently unable to handle the request error which is now fixed. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8473]
  • [OPERATOR] Several default settings of Kubernetes feature gates have been corrected. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8469]
  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed that prevented ControllerInstallations from getting deleted when the backing ControllerRegistration with .spec.deployment.policy={Always,AlwaysExceptNoShoots} was deleted. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8451]
Update gardenlet to 1.79.1


📰 Noteworthy

  • [OPERATOR] gardener-resource-manager now disables cache only for Secrets and ConfigMap if DisableCachedClient set to true. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8476]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] Applying Gardener resources server-side has caused the the server is currently unable to handle the request error which is now fixed. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8473]
  • [OPERATOR] Several default settings of Kubernetes feature gates have been corrected. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8469]
  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed that prevented ControllerInstallations from getting deleted when the backing ControllerRegistration with .spec.deployment.policy={Always,AlwaysExceptNoShoots} was deleted. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8451]
Update provider-aws to 1.48.0


🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] State update for a Worker object can be now skipped by annotating it with by @ialidzhikov [#801]
Update shoot-cert-service to 1.37.2


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] The CustomResourceDefinitions deployed to shoot clusters are now annotated with to prevent gardener-resource-manager from recreating them too fast during shoot deletion. by Johannes Scheerer <> [$7ab1bd02618105eed26fbdd829016be587ad0891]
Update shoot-dns-service to 1.38.2


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] The CustomResourceDefinitions deployed to shoot clusters are now annotated with to prevent gardener-resource-manager from recreating them too fast during shoot deletion. by Johannes Scheerer <> [$48423afc7bda51bbcdcee01df2c9317a3f278e1a]
Update networking-calico to 1.36.1


🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Vertical and horizontal cluster-proportional autoscalers for calico-typha now use different label selectors. by Johannes Scheerer <> [$0f655d29fa3c3e71b81dff7751c2f5e6156b9adc]
Update shoot-dns-service to 1.38.3


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] Correctly apply annotation instead of label. by Rafael Franzke <> [$e3b032fd69fffd8eef0c470eedc066358c2c4e93]
Update gardener-controlplane to 1.80.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [DEVELOPER] If the kubeletCSRApprover controller is enabled, it is now mandatory to specify the namespace in the source cluster in which the Machine resources reside via .controllers.kubeletCSRApprover.machineNamespace. by @rfranzke [#8483]
  • [DEVELOPER] leader-election-resource-lock flag is dropped and the leader-election resource-lock is hard coded to leases. by @acumino [#8464]
  • [DEVELOPER] The .{source,target}ClientConnection.namespace field has been renamed to namespaces and now takes a list of namespaces. The .targetClientConnection.disableCachedClient field has been removed. by @rfranzke [#8483]
  • [OPERATOR] It is no longer possible to configure .spec.virtualCluster.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.authorization in the Garden API. by @rfranzke [#8309]
  • [OPERATOR] The deprecated .spec.virtualCluster.dns.domain field has been dropped from the Garden API. Make use of by @rfranzke [#8434]

📰 Noteworthy

  • [OPERATOR] gardener-resource-manager now disables cache only for Secrets and ConfigMap if DisableCachedClient set to true. by @acumino [#8474]
  • [OPERATOR] The following golang dependencies have been upgraded, please consult the upstream release notes and this issue for guidance on upgrading your golang dependencies when vendoring this gardener version:
    •* to v0.28.2
    • to v0.16.2
    • to v0.13.0 by @acumino [#8464]
  • [OPERATOR] The target cache for gardener-resource-manager is now unconditionally enabled, leading to faster reconciliations and less network I/O. by @rfranzke [#8483]
  • [USER] Gardener now reports nodes for which the checksum/cloud-config-data hasn't been populated yet. This could point towards an error on the node and that not all Gardener related configuration happened successfully. by @timuthy [#8448]

✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator now runs a new controller which protects Secrets and ConfigMaps with a finalizer in case they are referenced in Garden resources. by @rfranzke [#8439]
  • [OPERATOR] It is now possible to trigger gardenlet kubeconfig renewal for unmanaged Seeds by annotating them with This was already supported for ManagedSeeds only. by @oliver-goetz [#8396]
  • [OPERATOR] The ResourcesProgressing condition appearing in the status of ManagedResources now checks for non-terminated Pods before reporting status=False. by @rfranzke [#8515]
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator is now managing the Gardener control plane components (gardener-{apiserver,admission-controller,controller-manager,scheduler}). by @rfranzke [#8309]
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator now renews garden access secrets and the gardenlet kubeconfig on all Seeds during CA/service account signing key credentials rotation. by @oliver-goetz [#8396]
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator now takes over management of gardener-metrics-exporter. by @acumino [#8419]
  • [OPERATOR] Gardener can now support clusters with Kubernetes version 1.28. In order to allow creation/update of 1.28 clusters you will have to update the version of your provider extension(s) to a version that supports 1.28 as well. Please consult the respective releases and notes in the provider extension's repository. by @oliver-goetz [#8479]
  • [OPERATOR] It is now possible to configure .spec.virtualCluster.gardener.gardenerAPIServer.auditWebhook in the Garden API. by @rfranzke [#8309]
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator now refuses to start if operators attempt to downgrade or skip minor Gardener versions. Please see this document for more information. by @rfranzke [#8413]
  • [DEVELOPER] Gardener can now support clusters with Kubernetes version 1.28. Extension developers have to prepare individual extensions as well to work with 1.28. by @oliver-goetz [#8479]
  • [DEVELOPER] The plutono dashboards are now verified as part of make check. by @Sallyan [#8401]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed that prevented ControllerInstallations from getting deleted when the backing ControllerRegistration with .spec.deployment.policy={Always,AlwaysExceptNoShoots} was deleted. by @rfranzke [#8443]
  • [OPERATOR] Several default settings of Kubernetes feature gates have been corrected. by @oliver-goetz [#8427]
  • [OPERATOR] An issue causing several tasks from the Shoot reconciliation flow to fail with transient errors of type duplicate filename in registry is now fixed. by @ialidzhikov [#8478]
  • [OPERATOR] A bug was fixed which was causing existing Bastion resources on the garden cluster to not be deleted when SSHAccess is disabled on a Shoot cluster. by @AleksandarSavchev [#8421]
  • [OPERATOR] The .spec.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.serviceAccountConfig.acceptedIssuers field of the Shoot spec no longer allows duplicate values. by @dimitar-kostadinov [#8466]
  • [USER] A bug has been fixed which was allowing users to specify an extension of the same type in .spec.extensions[].type more than once in the Shoot API. by @acumino [#8457]
  • [USER] Applying Gardener resources server-side has caused the the server is currently unable to handle the request error which is now fixed. by @oliver-goetz [#8468]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] The Plutono version has been updated from v7.5.23 to v7.5.24. by @istvanballok [#8475]
  • [OPERATOR] The node-local-dns ConfigMap now has a label k8s-app=node-local-dns for identifying it. by @ScheererJ [#8505]
  • [OPERATOR] The following image is updated:
    • v2.43.1 -> v2.47.0 by @istvanballok [#8486]
  • [OPERATOR] extension library: State update for a Worker object can be now skipped by annotating it with by @ialidzhikov [#8482]
  • [OPERATOR] The logging components: vali and valitail are now updated to v2.2.8. by @nickytd [#8458]
  • [USER] It is possible to delete a Shoot even if annotation is set to true. by @shafeeqes [#8432]


🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Update base image of ingress-default-backend to alpine:3.18.3 by @ScheererJ [gardener/ingress-default-backend#27]

Docker Images

admission-controller: apiserver: controller-manager: scheduler: operator: gardenlet: resource-manager:

Update gardener-controlplane to 1.80.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [DEVELOPER] If the kubeletCSRApprover controller is enabled, it is now mandatory to specify the namespace in the source cluster in which the Machine resources reside via .controllers.kubeletCSRApprover.machineNamespace. by @rfranzke [#8483]
  • [DEVELOPER] leader-election-resource-lock flag is dropped and the leader-election resource-lock is hard coded to leases. by @acumino [#8464]
  • [DEVELOPER] The .{source,target}ClientConnection.namespace field has been renamed to namespaces and now takes a list of namespaces. The .targetClientConnection.disableCachedClient field has been removed. by @rfranzke [#8483]
  • [OPERATOR] It is no longer possible to configure .spec.virtualCluster.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.authorization in the Garden API. by @rfranzke [#8309]
  • [OPERATOR] The deprecated .spec.virtualCluster.dns.domain field has been dropped from the Garden API. Make use of by @rfranzke [#8434]

📰 Noteworthy

  • [OPERATOR] gardener-resource-manager now disables cache only for Secrets and ConfigMap if DisableCachedClient set to true. by @acumino [#8474]
  • [OPERATOR] The following golang dependencies have been upgraded, please consult the upstream release notes and this issue for guidance on upgrading your golang dependencies when vendoring this gardener version:
    •* to v0.28.2
    • to v0.16.2
    • to v0.13.0 by @acumino [#8464]
  • [OPERATOR] The target cache for gardener-resource-manager is now unconditionally enabled, leading to faster reconciliations and less network I/O. by @rfranzke [#8483]
  • [USER] Gardener now reports nodes for which the checksum/cloud-config-data hasn't been populated yet. This could point towards an error on the node and that not all Gardener related configuration happened successfully. by @timuthy [#8448]

✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator now runs a new controller which protects Secrets and ConfigMaps with a finalizer in case they are referenced in Garden resources. by @rfranzke [#8439]
  • [OPERATOR] It is now possible to trigger gardenlet kubeconfig renewal for unmanaged Seeds by annotating them with This was already supported for ManagedSeeds only. by @oliver-goetz [#8396]
  • [OPERATOR] The ResourcesProgressing condition appearing in the status of ManagedResources now checks for non-terminated Pods before reporting status=False. by @rfranzke [#8515]
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator is now managing the Gardener control plane components (gardener-{apiserver,admission-controller,controller-manager,scheduler}). by @rfranzke [#8309]
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator now renews garden access secrets and the gardenlet kubeconfig on all Seeds during CA/service account signing key credentials rotation. by @oliver-goetz [#8396]
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator now takes over management of gardener-metrics-exporter. by @acumino [#8419]
  • [OPERATOR] Gardener can now support clusters with Kubernetes version 1.28. In order to allow creation/update of 1.28 clusters you will have to update the version of your provider extension(s) to a version that supports 1.28 as well. Please consult the respective releases and notes in the provider extension's repository. by @oliver-goetz [#8479]
  • [OPERATOR] It is now possible to configure .spec.virtualCluster.gardener.gardenerAPIServer.auditWebhook in the Garden API. by @rfranzke [#8309]
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator now refuses to start if operators attempt to downgrade or skip minor Gardener versions. Please see this document for more information. by @rfranzke [#8413]
  • [DEVELOPER] Gardener can now support clusters with Kubernetes version 1.28. Extension developers have to prepare individual extensions as well to work with 1.28. by @oliver-goetz [#8479]
  • [DEVELOPER] The plutono dashboards are now verified as part of make check. by @Sallyan [#8401]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed that prevented ControllerInstallations from getting deleted when the backing ControllerRegistration with .spec.deployment.policy={Always,AlwaysExceptNoShoots} was deleted. by @rfranzke [#8443]
  • [OPERATOR] Several default settings of Kubernetes feature gates have been corrected. by @oliver-goetz [#8427]
  • [OPERATOR] An issue causing several tasks from the Shoot reconciliation flow to fail with transient errors of type duplicate filename in registry is now fixed. by @ialidzhikov [#8478]
  • [OPERATOR] A bug was fixed which was causing existing Bastion resources on the garden cluster to not be deleted when SSHAccess is disabled on a Shoot cluster. by @AleksandarSavchev [#8421]
  • [OPERATOR] The .spec.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.serviceAccountConfig.acceptedIssuers field of the Shoot spec no longer allows duplicate values. by @dimitar-kostadinov [#8466]
  • [USER] A bug has been fixed which was allowing users to specify an extension of the same type in .spec.extensions[].type more than once in the Shoot API. by @acumino [#8457]
  • [USER] Applying Gardener resources server-side has caused the the server is currently unable to handle the request error which is now fixed. by @oliver-goetz [#8468]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] The Plutono version has been updated from v7.5.23 to v7.5.24. by @istvanballok [#8475]
  • [OPERATOR] The node-local-dns ConfigMap now has a label k8s-app=node-local-dns for identifying it. by @ScheererJ [#8505]
  • [OPERATOR] The following image is updated:
    • v2.43.1 -> v2.47.0 by @istvanballok [#8486]
  • [OPERATOR] extension library: State update for a Worker object can be now skipped by annotating it with by @ialidzhikov [#8482]
  • [OPERATOR] The logging components: vali and valitail are now updated to v2.2.8. by @nickytd [#8458]
  • [USER] It is possible to delete a Shoot even if annotation is set to true. by @shafeeqes [#8432]


🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Update base image of ingress-default-backend to alpine:3.18.3 by @ScheererJ [gardener/ingress-default-backend#27]

Docker Images

admission-controller: apiserver: controller-manager: scheduler: operator: gardenlet: resource-manager:

Update gardenlet to 1.80.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [DEVELOPER] If the kubeletCSRApprover controller is enabled, it is now mandatory to specify the namespace in the source cluster in which the Machine resources reside via .controllers.kubeletCSRApprover.machineNamespace. by @rfranzke [#8483]
  • [DEVELOPER] leader-election-resource-lock flag is dropped and the leader-election resource-lock is hard coded to leases. by @acumino [#8464]
  • [DEVELOPER] The .{source,target}ClientConnection.namespace field has been renamed to namespaces and now takes a list of namespaces. The .targetClientConnection.disableCachedClient field has been removed. by @rfranzke [#8483]
  • [OPERATOR] It is no longer possible to configure .spec.virtualCluster.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.authorization in the Garden API. by @rfranzke [#8309]
  • [OPERATOR] The deprecated .spec.virtualCluster.dns.domain field has been dropped from the Garden API. Make use of by @rfranzke [#8434]

📰 Noteworthy

  • [OPERATOR] gardener-resource-manager now disables cache only for Secrets and ConfigMap if DisableCachedClient set to true. by @acumino [#8474]
  • [OPERATOR] The following golang dependencies have been upgraded, please consult the upstream release notes and this issue for guidance on upgrading your golang dependencies when vendoring this gardener version:
    •* to v0.28.2
    • to v0.16.2
    • to v0.13.0 by @acumino [#8464]
  • [OPERATOR] The target cache for gardener-resource-manager is now unconditionally enabled, leading to faster reconciliations and less network I/O. by @rfranzke [#8483]
  • [USER] Gardener now reports nodes for which the checksum/cloud-config-data hasn't been populated yet. This could point towards an error on the node and that not all Gardener related configuration happened successfully. by @timuthy [#8448]

✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator now runs a new controller which protects Secrets and ConfigMaps with a finalizer in case they are referenced in Garden resources. by @rfranzke [#8439]
  • [OPERATOR] It is now possible to trigger gardenlet kubeconfig renewal for unmanaged Seeds by annotating them with This was already supported for ManagedSeeds only. by @oliver-goetz [#8396]
  • [OPERATOR] The ResourcesProgressing condition appearing in the status of ManagedResources now checks for non-terminated Pods before reporting status=False. by @rfranzke [#8515]
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator is now managing the Gardener control plane components (gardener-{apiserver,admission-controller,controller-manager,scheduler}). by @rfranzke [#8309]
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator now renews garden access secrets and the gardenlet kubeconfig on all Seeds during CA/service account signing key credentials rotation. by @oliver-goetz [#8396]
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator now takes over management of gardener-metrics-exporter. by @acumino [#8419]
  • [OPERATOR] Gardener can now support clusters with Kubernetes version 1.28. In order to allow creation/update of 1.28 clusters you will have to update the version of your provider extension(s) to a version that supports 1.28 as well. Please consult the respective releases and notes in the provider extension's repository. by @oliver-goetz [#8479]
  • [OPERATOR] It is now possible to configure .spec.virtualCluster.gardener.gardenerAPIServer.auditWebhook in the Garden API. by @rfranzke [#8309]
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-operator now refuses to start if operators attempt to downgrade or skip minor Gardener versions. Please see this document for more information. by @rfranzke [#8413]
  • [DEVELOPER] Gardener can now support clusters with Kubernetes version 1.28. Extension developers have to prepare individual extensions as well to work with 1.28. by @oliver-goetz [#8479]
  • [DEVELOPER] The plutono dashboards are now verified as part of make check. by @Sallyan [#8401]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed that prevented ControllerInstallations from getting deleted when the backing ControllerRegistration with .spec.deployment.policy={Always,AlwaysExceptNoShoots} was deleted. by @rfranzke [#8443]
  • [OPERATOR] Several default settings of Kubernetes feature gates have been corrected. by @oliver-goetz [#8427]
  • [OPERATOR] An issue causing several tasks from the Shoot reconciliation flow to fail with transient errors of type duplicate filename in registry is now fixed. by @ialidzhikov [#8478]
  • [OPERATOR] A bug was fixed which was causing existing Bastion resources on the garden cluster to not be deleted when SSHAccess is disabled on a Shoot cluster. by @AleksandarSavchev [#8421]
  • [OPERATOR] The .spec.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.serviceAccountConfig.acceptedIssuers field of the Shoot spec no longer allows duplicate values. by @dimitar-kostadinov [#8466]
  • [USER] A bug has been fixed which was allowing users to specify an extension of the same type in .spec.extensions[].type more than once in the Shoot API. by @acumino [#8457]
  • [USER] Applying Gardener resources server-side has caused the the server is currently unable to handle the request error which is now fixed. by @oliver-goetz [#8468]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] The Plutono version has been updated from v7.5.23 to v7.5.24. by @istvanballok [#8475]
  • [OPERATOR] The node-local-dns ConfigMap now has a label k8s-app=node-local-dns for identifying it. by @ScheererJ [#8505]
  • [OPERATOR] The following image is updated:
    • v2.43.1 -> v2.47.0 by @istvanballok [#8486]
  • [OPERATOR] extension library: State update for a Worker object can be now skipped by annotating it with by @ialidzhikov [#8482]
  • [OPERATOR] The logging components: vali and valitail are now updated to v2.2.8. by @nickytd [#8458]
  • [USER] It is possible to delete a Shoot even if annotation is set to true. by @shafeeqes [#8432]


🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Update base image of ingress-default-backend to alpine:3.18.3 by @ScheererJ [gardener/ingress-default-backend#27]

Docker Images

admission-controller: apiserver: controller-manager: scheduler: operator: gardenlet: resource-manager: