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Release Notes v1.81

23KE release notes and upgrade guide

Due to the upgrade of cert-management resources, you need to set some annoations and a label after the upgrade:

kubectl annotate customresourcedefinitions
kubectl label customresourcedefinitions
kubectl annotate customresourcedefinitions
kubectl label customresourcedefinitions
kubectl annotate customresourcedefinitions
kubectl label --overwrite customresourcedefinitions

Maybe (in case of bad timing) you need to trigger the reconciliation of the cert-management helm release manually afterwards:

flux suspend hr cert-management
flux resume hr cert-management
Update os-ubuntu to 1.23.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] extension-os-ubuntu no longer supports Shoots with Кubernetes version < 1.22. by @shafeeqes [#82]
Update gardener-controlplane to 1.80.1


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] The two additional labels and that were previously introduced and attached to worker nodes are removed again to fix a regression that causes the kubelet to restart on nodes that are due to be upgraded to a new OS but not rolled yet which causes their Pods to become temporarily unready. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8551]

Docker Images

admission-controller: apiserver: controller-manager: scheduler: operator: gardenlet: resource-manager:

Update gardener-controlplane to 1.80.1


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] The two additional labels and that were previously introduced and attached to worker nodes are removed again to fix a regression that causes the kubelet to restart on nodes that are due to be upgraded to a new OS but not rolled yet which causes their Pods to become temporarily unready. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8551]

Docker Images

admission-controller: apiserver: controller-manager: scheduler: operator: gardenlet: resource-manager:

Update gardenlet to 1.80.1


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] The two additional labels and that were previously introduced and attached to worker nodes are removed again to fix a regression that causes the kubelet to restart on nodes that are due to be upgraded to a new OS but not rolled yet which causes their Pods to become temporarily unready. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8551]

Docker Images

admission-controller: apiserver: controller-manager: scheduler: operator: gardenlet: resource-manager:

Update gardener-controlplane to 1.80.2


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] A bug causing unnecessary reorder of extension in Shoot spec.extensions is fixed. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8575]
  • [OPERATOR] Fixed a possibility for the migrate phase of control plane migration to become permanently stuck if the shoot was created when the MachineControllerManagerDeployment feature gate is disabled, control plane migration is triggered for the shoot and the feature gate is enabled during the migration phase. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8570]
Update gardener-controlplane to 1.80.2


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] A bug causing unnecessary reorder of extension in Shoot spec.extensions is fixed. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8575]
  • [OPERATOR] Fixed a possibility for the migrate phase of control plane migration to become permanently stuck if the shoot was created when the MachineControllerManagerDeployment feature gate is disabled, control plane migration is triggered for the shoot and the feature gate is enabled during the migration phase. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8570]
Update gardenlet to 1.80.2


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] A bug causing unnecessary reorder of extension in Shoot spec.extensions is fixed. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8575]
  • [OPERATOR] Fixed a possibility for the migrate phase of control plane migration to become permanently stuck if the shoot was created when the MachineControllerManagerDeployment feature gate is disabled, control plane migration is triggered for the shoot and the feature gate is enabled during the migration phase. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8570]
Update gardener-controlplane to 1.80.3


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] A bug has been fixed that prevented users without permissions to list CustomResourceDefinitions from interacting with the Gardener APIs when using a kubectl version lower than 1.27. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8580]
Update gardener-controlplane to 1.80.3


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] A bug has been fixed that prevented users without permissions to list CustomResourceDefinitions from interacting with the Gardener APIs when using a kubectl version lower than 1.27. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8580]
Update gardenlet to 1.80.3


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] A bug has been fixed that prevented users without permissions to list CustomResourceDefinitions from interacting with the Gardener APIs when using a kubectl version lower than 1.27. by @gardener-ci-robot [#8580]
Update provider-openstack to 1.37.0


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] Included UnavailableReplicas in determining if a machine deployment status update is needed by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#833]
  • [OPERATOR] Force drain and delete volume attachments for nodes un-healthy due to ReadOnlyFileSystem and NotReady for too long by @elankath [gardener/machine-controller-manager#839]
  • [OPERATOR] An issue causing nil pointer panic on scaleup of the machinedeployment along with trigger of rolling update, is fixed by @acumino [gardener/machine-controller-manager#814]
  • [USER] An edge case where outdated DesiredReplicas annotation blocked a rolling update is fixed. by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#821]

🏃 Others

  • [DEVELOPER] status.Status now captures underline cause, allowing consumers to introspect the error returned by the provider. WrapError() function could be used to wrap the provider error by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#842]
  • [DEVELOPER] Removed dead metrics code and refactored the remaining metrics code by @himanshu-kun [gardener/machine-controller-manager#823]
  • [DEVELOPER] A new make target is introduced to add license headers. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#845]
  • [DEVELOPER] Bump* deps to v0.27.2 by @afritzler [gardener/machine-controller-manager#820]
  • [OPERATOR] Added a new metric that will allow to get the number of stale (due to unhealthiness) machines that are getting terminated by @jguipi [gardener/machine-controller-manager#808]
  • [OPERATOR] Updated to go v1.20.5 by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#827]
  • [OPERATOR] Makefile targets have changed: Introduced gardener-setup, gardener-restore, gardener-local-mcm-up, non-gardener-setup, non-gardener-restore, non-gardener-local-mcm-up. Users can also directly use the scripts which are used by these makefile targets. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#852]
  • [OPERATOR] Added errorCode field in the LastOperation struct. This should be implemented only for the CreateMachine call in the triggerCreationFlow. This field will be utilized by Cluster autoscaler to do early backoff by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#851]
  • [OPERATOR] New metrics introduced:
    • api_request_duration_seconds -> tracks time taken for successful invocation of provider APIs. This metric can be filtered by provider and service.
    • driver_request_duration_seconds -> tracks total time taken to successfully complete driver method invocation. This metric can be filtered by provider and operation.
    • driver_requests_failed_total -> records total number of failed driver API requests. This metric can be filtered by provider, operations and error_code. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#842]


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] provider-openstack no longer supports Shoots or Seeds with Кubernetes version < 1.24. by @shafeeqes [#670]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Enable propagating pod routes to nodes without overlay network by @ScheererJ [#654]
  • [OPERATOR] updated image csi-attacher -> v4.4.0 by @kon-angelo [#675]
  • [OPERATOR] updated image manila-csi-plugin v1.27.1-> v1.27.2 by @kon-angelo [#675]
  • [OPERATOR] updated image snapshot-controller -> v6.3.0 by @kon-angelo [#675]
  • [OPERATOR] updated image livenessprobe -> v2.11.0 by @kon-angelo [#675]
  • [OPERATOR] Add manila topology labels to machines. This enables scaling from 0 for pods depending on manila volumes. by @kon-angelo [#674]
  • [OPERATOR] updated image cinder-csi-plugin v1.27.1-> v1.27.2 by @kon-angelo [#675]
  • [OPERATOR] updated image cloud-provider-openstack v1.27.1-> v1.27.2 by @kon-angelo [#675]
  • [OPERATOR] updated image csi-provisioner -> v3.6.0 by @kon-angelo [#675]
  • [OPERATOR] updated image csi-resizer -> v1.9.0 by @kon-angelo [#675]
  • [DEVELOPER] Added description to openstack security group rules. by @nschad [#666]


🏃 Others

  • [USER] Vendor gardener v1.79.0 by @kon-angelo [gardener/machine-controller-manager-provider-openstack#100]
  • [USER] ResourceExhausted error code is returned when no valid host is found in the zone by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager-provider-openstack#97]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The following dependency is updated:- v0.49.1 -> v0.50.0 by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager-provider-openstack#98]
Update cert-management to 0.11.2


🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Update k8s dependencies by updating controller-manager-library by @MartinWeindel [#142]
  • [OPERATOR] Bumps golang from 1.21.1 to 1.21.2. by @MartinWeindel [#142]
Update external-dns-management to 0.15.9


✨ New Features

  • [USER] Creating a DNSEntry for the base domain of a hosted zone is now allowed for all providers but azure-dns and azure-private-dns. by @MartinWeindel [#316]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Update AWS canonical hosted zones from repository. by @MartinWeindel [#322]
  • [OPERATOR] Bumps golang from 1.21.1 to 1.21.2. by @MartinWeindel [#323]
  • [OPERATOR] Bumps golang from 1.20.7 to 1.21.1. by @dependabot[bot] [#318]
  • [OPERATOR] Update k8s dependencies by updating controller-manager-library by @MartinWeindel [#323]
  • [OPERATOR] Additional AWS regions ap-southeast-4 and il-central-1 with canonical hosted zones for ELBs by @MartinWeindel [#321]
  • [USER] Infoblox provider: support for extensible attributes by @nitrocb [#320]
Update shoot-cert-service to 1.38.0


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] The CustomResourceDefinitions deployed to shoot clusters are now labelled with to prevent gardenlet to deleting them during shoot deletion. by @MartinWeindel [#195]
  • [OPERATOR] The CustomResourceDefinitions deployed to shoot clusters are now annotated with to prevent gardener-resource-manager from recreating them too fast during shoot deletion. by @rfranzke [#194]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Bumps golang from 1.21.0 to 1.21.1. by @dependabot[bot] [#193]
  • [OPERATOR] The following dependency is updated:
    • v1.77.0-> v1.80.1
    •* : v0.26.3 -> v0.28.2
    • v0.14.6-> v0.16.2 by @acumino [#196]


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] Fix edge case of inconsistent certificate/secret: request certificate in this case. by @MartinWeindel [gardener/cert-management#138]
  • [USER] Disable followCNAME by default again as it was activated implicitly by version upgrade by @MartinWeindel [gardener/cert-management#140]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Bumps golang from 1.21.1 to 1.21.2. by @MartinWeindel [gardener/cert-management#142]
  • [OPERATOR] Update k8s dependencies by updating controller-manager-library by @MartinWeindel [gardener/cert-management#142]
Update shoot-dns-service to 1.39.0


✨ New Features

  • [USER] Creating a DNSEntry for the base domain of a hosted zone is now allowed for all providers but azure-dns and azure-private-dns. by @MartinWeindel [gardener/external-dns-management#316]

🏃 Others

  • [USER] Infoblox provider: support for extensible attributes by @nitrocb [gardener/external-dns-management#320]
  • [OPERATOR] Update AWS canonical hosted zones from repository. by @MartinWeindel [gardener/external-dns-management#322]
  • [OPERATOR] Bumps golang from 1.20.7 to 1.21.1. by @dependabot[bot] [gardener/external-dns-management#318]
  • [OPERATOR] Additional AWS regions ap-southeast-4 and il-central-1 with canonical hosted zones for ELBs by @MartinWeindel [gardener/external-dns-management#321]
  • [OPERATOR] Update k8s dependencies by updating controller-manager-library by @MartinWeindel [gardener/external-dns-management#323]
  • [OPERATOR] Bumps golang from 1.21.1 to 1.21.2. by @MartinWeindel [gardener/external-dns-management#323]


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] extension-shoot-dns-service no longer supports Shoots with Кubernetes version < 1.24. by @shafeeqes [#241]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] The CustomResourceDefinitions deployed to shoot clusters are now annotated with to prevent gardener-resource-manager from recreating them too fast during shoot deletion. by @rfranzke [#240]
  • [OPERATOR] The CustomResourceDefinitions deployed to shoot clusters are now labelled with to prevent gardenlet to deleting them during shoot deletion. by @MartinWeindel [#243]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Add copy of images.yaml to charts dir to resolve installation issue for landscapes using RBSC by @MartinWeindel [#237]
  • [OPERATOR] The following dependency is updated:
    • v1.77.0-> v1.80.1
    •* : v0.26.3 -> v0.28.2
    • v0.14.6-> v0.16.2 by @acumino [#244]
  • [OPERATOR] Bumps golang from 1.21.0 to 1.21.1. by @dependabot[bot] [#239]
Update gardener-controlplane to 1.81.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [USER] Update etcd-custom-image to v3.4.26-2. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#656]
  • [OPERATOR] Etcd druid will now not support policy/v1beta1 for PodDisruptionBudgets and will only use policy/v1 for PodDisruptionBudgets by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-druid#681]

📰 Noteworthy

  • [OPERATOR] custodian-sync-period value is set to 15s in the Helm chart for etcd-druid. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#688]
  • [OPERATOR] Add new flag metrics-scrape-wait-duration for compaction controller to set a wait duration at the end of every compaction job, to allow for metrics to be scraped by a Prometheus instance. by @abdasgupta [gardener/etcd-druid#686]
  • [OPERATOR] Etcd snapshot compaction jobs will now be named <etcd-name>-compactor for better readability for human operators. by @abdasgupta [gardener/etcd-druid#672]

✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] Introduce Spec.Backup.DeltaSnapshotRetentionPeriod in the Etcd resource to allow configuring retention period for delta snapshots. by @seshachalam-yv [gardener/etcd-druid#651]
  • [DEVELOPER] Add support for Local provider for e2e tests. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#668]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] A bug causing incorrect volume mount path for Etcds and EtcdCopyBackupsTasks using Local snapshot storage provider while using distroless etcd-backup-restore image v0.25.x has been resolved. by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-druid#662]
  • [OPERATOR] Custodian controller no longer watches leases owned by the etcd resources, thus reducing frequency of etcd status updates and now honouring custodian-sync-period value. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#688]
  • [OPERATOR] Resolved an issue where the Custodian Controller was not updating the Replicas field in the etcd status to reflect the CurrentReplicas from the StatefulSet status. This fix ensures consistent behavior with the etcd Controller in Druid. by @seshachalam-yv [gardener/etcd-druid#701]
  • [OPERATOR] A bug causing EtcdCopyBackupsTask jobs to fail to create temp snapshot directory while using distroless etcd-backup-restore image v0.25.x has been resolved. by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-druid#662]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Upgraded etcd-backup-restore from v0.24.3 to v0.24.6 for etcd-custom-image, and from v0.25.1 to v0.26.0 for etcd-wrapper by @gardener-robot-ci-3 [gardener/etcd-druid#687]
  • [OPERATOR] All default images are now present in images.yaml by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-druid#673]

📖 Documentation

  • [DEVELOPER] Introduce DEPs (Druid Enhancement Proposals) for proposing large design changes in etcd-druid. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#659]
  • [OPERATOR] Introduce DEP-04 EtcdMember Custom Resource. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#658]


📰 Noteworthy

  • [USER] Introduce flag metrics-scrape-wait-duration to etcdbrctl compact command, that specifies a wait duration at the end of a snapshot compaction, to allow Prometheus to scrape metrics related to compaction before the etcdbrctl process exits. by @abdasgupta [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#667]
  • [OPERATOR] Etcd-backup-restore now uses the user home directory to create files. by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#637]
  • [OPERATOR] Etcd-backup-restore now uses a distroless image as its base image. It is no longer compatible with etcd-custom-image, and must be used with etcd-wrapper instead. by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#637]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Upgraded Ginkgo v1 to v2 and updated other dependencies by @seshachalam-yv [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#647]
  • [OPERATOR] While scaling up a non-HA etcd cluster to HA skipping the scale-up checks for first member of etcd cluster as first member can never be a part of scale-up scenarios. by @ishan16696 [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#649]
  • [OPERATOR] Bump alpine base version for Docker build to 3.18.2. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#638]
  • [OPERATOR] Backup-restore waits for its etcd to be ready before attempting to update peerUrl by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#628]
  • [OPERATOR] Introduced delta-snapshot-retention-period CLI flag to extend the configurable retention period for delta snapshots in etcd-backup-restore, enhancing flexibility for backup retention. by @seshachalam-yv [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#640]
  • [OPERATOR] Revendors the bbolt from v1.3.6 to v1.3.7 by @ishan16696 [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#659]
  • [DEVELOPER] Add CVE categorization for etcd-backup-restore. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#644]


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] Force drain and delete volume attachments for nodes un-healthy due to ReadOnlyFileSystem and NotReady for too long by @elankath [gardener/machine-controller-manager#839]
  • [OPERATOR] Included UnavailableReplicas in determining if a machine deployment status update is needed by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#833]
  • [OPERATOR] An issue causing nil pointer panic on scaleup of the machinedeployment along with trigger of rolling update, is fixed by @acumino [gardener/machine-controller-manager#814]
  • [USER] An edge case where outdated DesiredReplicas annotation blocked a rolling update is fixed. by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#821]

🏃 Others

  • [DEVELOPER] status.Status now captures underline cause, allowing consumers to introspect the error returned by the provider. WrapError() function could be used to wrap the provider error by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#842]
  • [DEVELOPER] A new make target is introduced to add license headers. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#845]
  • [DEVELOPER] Bump* deps to v0.27.2 by @afritzler [gardener/machine-controller-manager#820]
  • [DEVELOPER] Removed dead metrics code and refactored the remaining metrics code by @himanshu-kun [gardener/machine-controller-manager#823]
  • [OPERATOR] New metrics introduced:
    • api_request_duration_seconds -> tracks time taken for successful invocation of provider APIs. This metric can be filtered by provider and service.
    • driver_request_duration_seconds -> tracks total time taken to successfully complete driver method invocation. This metric can be filtered by provider and operation.
    • driver_requests_failed_total -> records total number of failed driver API requests. This metric can be filtered by provider, operations and error_code. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#842]
  • [OPERATOR] Updated to go v1.20.5 by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#827]
  • [OPERATOR] Added a new metric that will allow to get the number of stale (due to unhealthiness) machines that are getting terminated by @jguipi [gardener/machine-controller-manager#808]
  • [OPERATOR] Added errorCode field in the LastOperation struct. This should be implemented only for the CreateMachine call in the triggerCreationFlow. This field will be utilized by Cluster autoscaler to do early backoff by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#851]
  • [OPERATOR] Makefile targets have changed: Introduced gardener-setup, gardener-restore, gardener-local-mcm-up, non-gardener-setup, non-gardener-restore, non-gardener-local-mcm-up. Users can also directly use the scripts which are used by these makefile targets. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#852]


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [DEPENDENCY] Extensions have to implement the ForceDelete function in the actuator with the logic of forcefully deleting all the resources deployed by them. by @shafeeqes [#8414]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The extensions/pkg/controller.Use{TokenRequestor,ServiceAccountTokenVolumeProjection} functions have been removed since they always return true. by @rfranzke [#8582]
  • [OPERATOR] ⚠️ Gardener does no longer support garden, seed, or shoot clusters with Kubernetes versions < 1.24. Make sure to upgrade all existing clusters before upgrading to this Gardener version. by @shafeeqes [#8487]
  • [DEVELOPER] The pkg/utils/gardener.IntStrPtrFromInt function has been renamed to IntStrPtrFromInt32 since intstr.FromInt is deprecated. by @rfranzke [#8579]
  • [USER] The annotation on Shoots has no effect anymore and should be removed. by @rfranzke [#8526]

📰 Noteworthy

  • [USER] The two additional labels and that were previously introduced and attached to worker nodes are removed again to fix a regression that causes the kubelet to restart on nodes that are due to be upgraded to a new OS but not rolled yet which causes their Pods to become temporarily unready. by @MrBatschner [#8524]
  • [OPERATOR] The MachineControllerManagerDeployment has been promoted to beta and is now enabled by default. Make sure that all registered provider extensions support this feature gate before upgrading to this version of Gardener. by @rfranzke [#8526]
  • [OPERATOR] The DisableScalingClassesForShoots feature gates has been promoted to GA (and is now always enabled). by @rfranzke [#8526]

✨ New Features

  • [USER] The gardener-scheduler now populates scheduling failure reasons to the Shoot's .status.lastOperation.description field. by @rfranzke [#8527]
  • [USER] When the ShootForceDeletion featuregate in the apiserver is turned on, users will be able to force-delete the Shoot. You MUST ensure that all the resources created in the IaaS account are cleaned up to prevent orphaned resources. Gardener will NOT delete any resources in the Shoot cloud-provider account. See Shoot Force Deletion for more details. by @shafeeqes [#8414]
  • [USER] Multiple expanders for cluster-autoscaler can now be specified in the Shoot API via the .spec.kubernetes.clusterAutoscaler.expander field. by @aaronfern [#8573]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] Fixed a possibility for the migrate phase of control plane migration to become permanently stuck if the shoot was created when the MachineControllerManagerDeployment feature gate is disabled, control plane migration is triggered for the shoot and the feature gate is enabled during the migration phase. by @plkokanov [#8568]
  • [USER] Fix an issue, where DNS lookups for non-existing pods of a StatefulSet yielded one of the existing pods even when it should not have. by @axel7born [#8544]
  • [USER] A bug has been fixed that prevented users without permissions to list CustomResourceDefinitions from interacting with the Gardener APIs when using a kubectl version lower than 1.27. by @rfranzke [#8577]
  • [USER] A bug causing unnecessary reorder of extension in Shoot spec.extensions is fixed. by @acumino [#8569]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] The shoot namespace in seeds is redeployed during the shoot migration flow to update the zones in use. by @plkokanov [#8564]
  • [OPERATOR] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.0. by @shafeeqes [#8558]
  • [OPERATOR] Add an alert for VPNHAShootNoPods when shoot in HA (high availability) mode. by @tedteng [#8506]
  • [USER] Gardener refined the scope of the problematic webhook matcher for endpoint objects. Earlier, shoot clusters were assigned a constraint reporting a problem with a failurePolocy: Fail webhook acting on these objects. Now, only endpoints in the kube-system and defaults namespaces are considered for this check. by @acumino [#8521]


✨ New Features

  • [DEVELOPER] unit tests framework introduced to test implemented methods of Cloudprovider and Nodegroup interface by @rishabh-11 [gardener/autoscaler#215]
  • [USER] Gardener autoscaler now backs-off early from a node-group (i.e. machinedeployment) in case of ResourceExhausted error. Refer docs at for details. by @himanshu-kun [gardener/autoscaler#253]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] A bug where MCM removed a machine other than the one , CA wanted , is resolved. by @rishabh-11 [gardener/autoscaler#215]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Initial implementation for Refresh() method of CloudProvider interface done by @rishabh-11 [gardener/autoscaler#215]
  • [OPERATOR] annotation on machine is now reset to 3 by autoscaler if the corresponding node doesn't have ToBeDeletedByClusterAutoscaler taint by @rishabh-11 [gardener/autoscaler#215]


📰 Noteworthy

  • [OPERATOR] Update alpine base image version to 3.18.3. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-custom-image#40]
Update gardener-controlplane to 1.81.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [USER] Update etcd-custom-image to v3.4.26-2. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#656]
  • [OPERATOR] Etcd druid will now not support policy/v1beta1 for PodDisruptionBudgets and will only use policy/v1 for PodDisruptionBudgets by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-druid#681]

📰 Noteworthy

  • [OPERATOR] custodian-sync-period value is set to 15s in the Helm chart for etcd-druid. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#688]
  • [OPERATOR] Add new flag metrics-scrape-wait-duration for compaction controller to set a wait duration at the end of every compaction job, to allow for metrics to be scraped by a Prometheus instance. by @abdasgupta [gardener/etcd-druid#686]
  • [OPERATOR] Etcd snapshot compaction jobs will now be named <etcd-name>-compactor for better readability for human operators. by @abdasgupta [gardener/etcd-druid#672]

✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] Introduce Spec.Backup.DeltaSnapshotRetentionPeriod in the Etcd resource to allow configuring retention period for delta snapshots. by @seshachalam-yv [gardener/etcd-druid#651]
  • [DEVELOPER] Add support for Local provider for e2e tests. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#668]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] A bug causing incorrect volume mount path for Etcds and EtcdCopyBackupsTasks using Local snapshot storage provider while using distroless etcd-backup-restore image v0.25.x has been resolved. by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-druid#662]
  • [OPERATOR] Custodian controller no longer watches leases owned by the etcd resources, thus reducing frequency of etcd status updates and now honouring custodian-sync-period value. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#688]
  • [OPERATOR] Resolved an issue where the Custodian Controller was not updating the Replicas field in the etcd status to reflect the CurrentReplicas from the StatefulSet status. This fix ensures consistent behavior with the etcd Controller in Druid. by @seshachalam-yv [gardener/etcd-druid#701]
  • [OPERATOR] A bug causing EtcdCopyBackupsTask jobs to fail to create temp snapshot directory while using distroless etcd-backup-restore image v0.25.x has been resolved. by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-druid#662]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Upgraded etcd-backup-restore from v0.24.3 to v0.24.6 for etcd-custom-image, and from v0.25.1 to v0.26.0 for etcd-wrapper by @gardener-robot-ci-3 [gardener/etcd-druid#687]
  • [OPERATOR] All default images are now present in images.yaml by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-druid#673]

📖 Documentation

  • [DEVELOPER] Introduce DEPs (Druid Enhancement Proposals) for proposing large design changes in etcd-druid. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#659]
  • [OPERATOR] Introduce DEP-04 EtcdMember Custom Resource. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#658]


📰 Noteworthy

  • [USER] Introduce flag metrics-scrape-wait-duration to etcdbrctl compact command, that specifies a wait duration at the end of a snapshot compaction, to allow Prometheus to scrape metrics related to compaction before the etcdbrctl process exits. by @abdasgupta [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#667]
  • [OPERATOR] Etcd-backup-restore now uses the user home directory to create files. by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#637]
  • [OPERATOR] Etcd-backup-restore now uses a distroless image as its base image. It is no longer compatible with etcd-custom-image, and must be used with etcd-wrapper instead. by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#637]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Upgraded Ginkgo v1 to v2 and updated other dependencies by @seshachalam-yv [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#647]
  • [OPERATOR] While scaling up a non-HA etcd cluster to HA skipping the scale-up checks for first member of etcd cluster as first member can never be a part of scale-up scenarios. by @ishan16696 [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#649]
  • [OPERATOR] Bump alpine base version for Docker build to 3.18.2. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#638]
  • [OPERATOR] Backup-restore waits for its etcd to be ready before attempting to update peerUrl by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#628]
  • [OPERATOR] Introduced delta-snapshot-retention-period CLI flag to extend the configurable retention period for delta snapshots in etcd-backup-restore, enhancing flexibility for backup retention. by @seshachalam-yv [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#640]
  • [OPERATOR] Revendors the bbolt from v1.3.6 to v1.3.7 by @ishan16696 [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#659]
  • [DEVELOPER] Add CVE categorization for etcd-backup-restore. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#644]


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] Force drain and delete volume attachments for nodes un-healthy due to ReadOnlyFileSystem and NotReady for too long by @elankath [gardener/machine-controller-manager#839]
  • [OPERATOR] Included UnavailableReplicas in determining if a machine deployment status update is needed by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#833]
  • [OPERATOR] An issue causing nil pointer panic on scaleup of the machinedeployment along with trigger of rolling update, is fixed by @acumino [gardener/machine-controller-manager#814]
  • [USER] An edge case where outdated DesiredReplicas annotation blocked a rolling update is fixed. by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#821]

🏃 Others

  • [DEVELOPER] status.Status now captures underline cause, allowing consumers to introspect the error returned by the provider. WrapError() function could be used to wrap the provider error by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#842]
  • [DEVELOPER] A new make target is introduced to add license headers. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#845]
  • [DEVELOPER] Bump* deps to v0.27.2 by @afritzler [gardener/machine-controller-manager#820]
  • [DEVELOPER] Removed dead metrics code and refactored the remaining metrics code by @himanshu-kun [gardener/machine-controller-manager#823]
  • [OPERATOR] New metrics introduced:
    • api_request_duration_seconds -> tracks time taken for successful invocation of provider APIs. This metric can be filtered by provider and service.
    • driver_request_duration_seconds -> tracks total time taken to successfully complete driver method invocation. This metric can be filtered by provider and operation.
    • driver_requests_failed_total -> records total number of failed driver API requests. This metric can be filtered by provider, operations and error_code. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#842]
  • [OPERATOR] Updated to go v1.20.5 by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#827]
  • [OPERATOR] Added a new metric that will allow to get the number of stale (due to unhealthiness) machines that are getting terminated by @jguipi [gardener/machine-controller-manager#808]
  • [OPERATOR] Added errorCode field in the LastOperation struct. This should be implemented only for the CreateMachine call in the triggerCreationFlow. This field will be utilized by Cluster autoscaler to do early backoff by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#851]
  • [OPERATOR] Makefile targets have changed: Introduced gardener-setup, gardener-restore, gardener-local-mcm-up, non-gardener-setup, non-gardener-restore, non-gardener-local-mcm-up. Users can also directly use the scripts which are used by these makefile targets. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#852]


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [DEPENDENCY] Extensions have to implement the ForceDelete function in the actuator with the logic of forcefully deleting all the resources deployed by them. by @shafeeqes [#8414]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The extensions/pkg/controller.Use{TokenRequestor,ServiceAccountTokenVolumeProjection} functions have been removed since they always return true. by @rfranzke [#8582]
  • [OPERATOR] ⚠️ Gardener does no longer support garden, seed, or shoot clusters with Kubernetes versions < 1.24. Make sure to upgrade all existing clusters before upgrading to this Gardener version. by @shafeeqes [#8487]
  • [DEVELOPER] The pkg/utils/gardener.IntStrPtrFromInt function has been renamed to IntStrPtrFromInt32 since intstr.FromInt is deprecated. by @rfranzke [#8579]
  • [USER] The annotation on Shoots has no effect anymore and should be removed. by @rfranzke [#8526]

📰 Noteworthy

  • [USER] The two additional labels and that were previously introduced and attached to worker nodes are removed again to fix a regression that causes the kubelet to restart on nodes that are due to be upgraded to a new OS but not rolled yet which causes their Pods to become temporarily unready. by @MrBatschner [#8524]
  • [OPERATOR] The MachineControllerManagerDeployment has been promoted to beta and is now enabled by default. Make sure that all registered provider extensions support this feature gate before upgrading to this version of Gardener. by @rfranzke [#8526]
  • [OPERATOR] The DisableScalingClassesForShoots feature gates has been promoted to GA (and is now always enabled). by @rfranzke [#8526]

✨ New Features

  • [USER] The gardener-scheduler now populates scheduling failure reasons to the Shoot's .status.lastOperation.description field. by @rfranzke [#8527]
  • [USER] When the ShootForceDeletion featuregate in the apiserver is turned on, users will be able to force-delete the Shoot. You MUST ensure that all the resources created in the IaaS account are cleaned up to prevent orphaned resources. Gardener will NOT delete any resources in the Shoot cloud-provider account. See Shoot Force Deletion for more details. by @shafeeqes [#8414]
  • [USER] Multiple expanders for cluster-autoscaler can now be specified in the Shoot API via the .spec.kubernetes.clusterAutoscaler.expander field. by @aaronfern [#8573]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] Fixed a possibility for the migrate phase of control plane migration to become permanently stuck if the shoot was created when the MachineControllerManagerDeployment feature gate is disabled, control plane migration is triggered for the shoot and the feature gate is enabled during the migration phase. by @plkokanov [#8568]
  • [USER] Fix an issue, where DNS lookups for non-existing pods of a StatefulSet yielded one of the existing pods even when it should not have. by @axel7born [#8544]
  • [USER] A bug has been fixed that prevented users without permissions to list CustomResourceDefinitions from interacting with the Gardener APIs when using a kubectl version lower than 1.27. by @rfranzke [#8577]
  • [USER] A bug causing unnecessary reorder of extension in Shoot spec.extensions is fixed. by @acumino [#8569]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] The shoot namespace in seeds is redeployed during the shoot migration flow to update the zones in use. by @plkokanov [#8564]
  • [OPERATOR] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.0. by @shafeeqes [#8558]
  • [OPERATOR] Add an alert for VPNHAShootNoPods when shoot in HA (high availability) mode. by @tedteng [#8506]
  • [USER] Gardener refined the scope of the problematic webhook matcher for endpoint objects. Earlier, shoot clusters were assigned a constraint reporting a problem with a failurePolocy: Fail webhook acting on these objects. Now, only endpoints in the kube-system and defaults namespaces are considered for this check. by @acumino [#8521]


✨ New Features

  • [DEVELOPER] unit tests framework introduced to test implemented methods of Cloudprovider and Nodegroup interface by @rishabh-11 [gardener/autoscaler#215]
  • [USER] Gardener autoscaler now backs-off early from a node-group (i.e. machinedeployment) in case of ResourceExhausted error. Refer docs at for details. by @himanshu-kun [gardener/autoscaler#253]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] A bug where MCM removed a machine other than the one , CA wanted , is resolved. by @rishabh-11 [gardener/autoscaler#215]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Initial implementation for Refresh() method of CloudProvider interface done by @rishabh-11 [gardener/autoscaler#215]
  • [OPERATOR] annotation on machine is now reset to 3 by autoscaler if the corresponding node doesn't have ToBeDeletedByClusterAutoscaler taint by @rishabh-11 [gardener/autoscaler#215]


📰 Noteworthy

  • [OPERATOR] Update alpine base image version to 3.18.3. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-custom-image#40]
Update gardenlet to 1.81.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [USER] Update etcd-custom-image to v3.4.26-2. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#656]
  • [OPERATOR] Etcd druid will now not support policy/v1beta1 for PodDisruptionBudgets and will only use policy/v1 for PodDisruptionBudgets by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-druid#681]

📰 Noteworthy

  • [OPERATOR] custodian-sync-period value is set to 15s in the Helm chart for etcd-druid. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#688]
  • [OPERATOR] Add new flag metrics-scrape-wait-duration for compaction controller to set a wait duration at the end of every compaction job, to allow for metrics to be scraped by a Prometheus instance. by @abdasgupta [gardener/etcd-druid#686]
  • [OPERATOR] Etcd snapshot compaction jobs will now be named <etcd-name>-compactor for better readability for human operators. by @abdasgupta [gardener/etcd-druid#672]

✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] Introduce Spec.Backup.DeltaSnapshotRetentionPeriod in the Etcd resource to allow configuring retention period for delta snapshots. by @seshachalam-yv [gardener/etcd-druid#651]
  • [DEVELOPER] Add support for Local provider for e2e tests. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#668]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] A bug causing incorrect volume mount path for Etcds and EtcdCopyBackupsTasks using Local snapshot storage provider while using distroless etcd-backup-restore image v0.25.x has been resolved. by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-druid#662]
  • [OPERATOR] Custodian controller no longer watches leases owned by the etcd resources, thus reducing frequency of etcd status updates and now honouring custodian-sync-period value. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#688]
  • [OPERATOR] Resolved an issue where the Custodian Controller was not updating the Replicas field in the etcd status to reflect the CurrentReplicas from the StatefulSet status. This fix ensures consistent behavior with the etcd Controller in Druid. by @seshachalam-yv [gardener/etcd-druid#701]
  • [OPERATOR] A bug causing EtcdCopyBackupsTask jobs to fail to create temp snapshot directory while using distroless etcd-backup-restore image v0.25.x has been resolved. by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-druid#662]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Upgraded etcd-backup-restore from v0.24.3 to v0.24.6 for etcd-custom-image, and from v0.25.1 to v0.26.0 for etcd-wrapper by @gardener-robot-ci-3 [gardener/etcd-druid#687]
  • [OPERATOR] All default images are now present in images.yaml by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-druid#673]

📖 Documentation

  • [DEVELOPER] Introduce DEPs (Druid Enhancement Proposals) for proposing large design changes in etcd-druid. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#659]
  • [OPERATOR] Introduce DEP-04 EtcdMember Custom Resource. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-druid#658]


📰 Noteworthy

  • [USER] Introduce flag metrics-scrape-wait-duration to etcdbrctl compact command, that specifies a wait duration at the end of a snapshot compaction, to allow Prometheus to scrape metrics related to compaction before the etcdbrctl process exits. by @abdasgupta [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#667]
  • [OPERATOR] Etcd-backup-restore now uses the user home directory to create files. by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#637]
  • [OPERATOR] Etcd-backup-restore now uses a distroless image as its base image. It is no longer compatible with etcd-custom-image, and must be used with etcd-wrapper instead. by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#637]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Upgraded Ginkgo v1 to v2 and updated other dependencies by @seshachalam-yv [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#647]
  • [OPERATOR] While scaling up a non-HA etcd cluster to HA skipping the scale-up checks for first member of etcd cluster as first member can never be a part of scale-up scenarios. by @ishan16696 [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#649]
  • [OPERATOR] Bump alpine base version for Docker build to 3.18.2. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#638]
  • [OPERATOR] Backup-restore waits for its etcd to be ready before attempting to update peerUrl by @aaronfern [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#628]
  • [OPERATOR] Introduced delta-snapshot-retention-period CLI flag to extend the configurable retention period for delta snapshots in etcd-backup-restore, enhancing flexibility for backup retention. by @seshachalam-yv [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#640]
  • [OPERATOR] Revendors the bbolt from v1.3.6 to v1.3.7 by @ishan16696 [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#659]
  • [DEVELOPER] Add CVE categorization for etcd-backup-restore. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-backup-restore#644]


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] Force drain and delete volume attachments for nodes un-healthy due to ReadOnlyFileSystem and NotReady for too long by @elankath [gardener/machine-controller-manager#839]
  • [OPERATOR] Included UnavailableReplicas in determining if a machine deployment status update is needed by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#833]
  • [OPERATOR] An issue causing nil pointer panic on scaleup of the machinedeployment along with trigger of rolling update, is fixed by @acumino [gardener/machine-controller-manager#814]
  • [USER] An edge case where outdated DesiredReplicas annotation blocked a rolling update is fixed. by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#821]

🏃 Others

  • [DEVELOPER] status.Status now captures underline cause, allowing consumers to introspect the error returned by the provider. WrapError() function could be used to wrap the provider error by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#842]
  • [DEVELOPER] A new make target is introduced to add license headers. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#845]
  • [DEVELOPER] Bump* deps to v0.27.2 by @afritzler [gardener/machine-controller-manager#820]
  • [DEVELOPER] Removed dead metrics code and refactored the remaining metrics code by @himanshu-kun [gardener/machine-controller-manager#823]
  • [OPERATOR] New metrics introduced:
    • api_request_duration_seconds -> tracks time taken for successful invocation of provider APIs. This metric can be filtered by provider and service.
    • driver_request_duration_seconds -> tracks total time taken to successfully complete driver method invocation. This metric can be filtered by provider and operation.
    • driver_requests_failed_total -> records total number of failed driver API requests. This metric can be filtered by provider, operations and error_code. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#842]
  • [OPERATOR] Updated to go v1.20.5 by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#827]
  • [OPERATOR] Added a new metric that will allow to get the number of stale (due to unhealthiness) machines that are getting terminated by @jguipi [gardener/machine-controller-manager#808]
  • [OPERATOR] Added errorCode field in the LastOperation struct. This should be implemented only for the CreateMachine call in the triggerCreationFlow. This field will be utilized by Cluster autoscaler to do early backoff by @rishabh-11 [gardener/machine-controller-manager#851]
  • [OPERATOR] Makefile targets have changed: Introduced gardener-setup, gardener-restore, gardener-local-mcm-up, non-gardener-setup, non-gardener-restore, non-gardener-local-mcm-up. Users can also directly use the scripts which are used by these makefile targets. by @unmarshall [gardener/machine-controller-manager#852]


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [DEPENDENCY] Extensions have to implement the ForceDelete function in the actuator with the logic of forcefully deleting all the resources deployed by them. by @shafeeqes [#8414]
  • [DEPENDENCY] The extensions/pkg/controller.Use{TokenRequestor,ServiceAccountTokenVolumeProjection} functions have been removed since they always return true. by @rfranzke [#8582]
  • [OPERATOR] ⚠️ Gardener does no longer support garden, seed, or shoot clusters with Kubernetes versions < 1.24. Make sure to upgrade all existing clusters before upgrading to this Gardener version. by @shafeeqes [#8487]
  • [DEVELOPER] The pkg/utils/gardener.IntStrPtrFromInt function has been renamed to IntStrPtrFromInt32 since intstr.FromInt is deprecated. by @rfranzke [#8579]
  • [USER] The annotation on Shoots has no effect anymore and should be removed. by @rfranzke [#8526]

📰 Noteworthy

  • [USER] The two additional labels and that were previously introduced and attached to worker nodes are removed again to fix a regression that causes the kubelet to restart on nodes that are due to be upgraded to a new OS but not rolled yet which causes their Pods to become temporarily unready. by @MrBatschner [#8524]
  • [OPERATOR] The MachineControllerManagerDeployment has been promoted to beta and is now enabled by default. Make sure that all registered provider extensions support this feature gate before upgrading to this version of Gardener. by @rfranzke [#8526]
  • [OPERATOR] The DisableScalingClassesForShoots feature gates has been promoted to GA (and is now always enabled). by @rfranzke [#8526]

✨ New Features

  • [USER] The gardener-scheduler now populates scheduling failure reasons to the Shoot's .status.lastOperation.description field. by @rfranzke [#8527]
  • [USER] When the ShootForceDeletion featuregate in the apiserver is turned on, users will be able to force-delete the Shoot. You MUST ensure that all the resources created in the IaaS account are cleaned up to prevent orphaned resources. Gardener will NOT delete any resources in the Shoot cloud-provider account. See Shoot Force Deletion for more details. by @shafeeqes [#8414]
  • [USER] Multiple expanders for cluster-autoscaler can now be specified in the Shoot API via the .spec.kubernetes.clusterAutoscaler.expander field. by @aaronfern [#8573]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] Fixed a possibility for the migrate phase of control plane migration to become permanently stuck if the shoot was created when the MachineControllerManagerDeployment feature gate is disabled, control plane migration is triggered for the shoot and the feature gate is enabled during the migration phase. by @plkokanov [#8568]
  • [USER] Fix an issue, where DNS lookups for non-existing pods of a StatefulSet yielded one of the existing pods even when it should not have. by @axel7born [#8544]
  • [USER] A bug has been fixed that prevented users without permissions to list CustomResourceDefinitions from interacting with the Gardener APIs when using a kubectl version lower than 1.27. by @rfranzke [#8577]
  • [USER] A bug causing unnecessary reorder of extension in Shoot spec.extensions is fixed. by @acumino [#8569]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] The shoot namespace in seeds is redeployed during the shoot migration flow to update the zones in use. by @plkokanov [#8564]
  • [OPERATOR] nginx-ingress-controller image is updated to v1.9.0. by @shafeeqes [#8558]
  • [OPERATOR] Add an alert for VPNHAShootNoPods when shoot in HA (high availability) mode. by @tedteng [#8506]
  • [USER] Gardener refined the scope of the problematic webhook matcher for endpoint objects. Earlier, shoot clusters were assigned a constraint reporting a problem with a failurePolocy: Fail webhook acting on these objects. Now, only endpoints in the kube-system and defaults namespaces are considered for this check. by @acumino [#8521]


✨ New Features

  • [DEVELOPER] unit tests framework introduced to test implemented methods of Cloudprovider and Nodegroup interface by @rishabh-11 [gardener/autoscaler#215]
  • [USER] Gardener autoscaler now backs-off early from a node-group (i.e. machinedeployment) in case of ResourceExhausted error. Refer docs at for details. by @himanshu-kun [gardener/autoscaler#253]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] A bug where MCM removed a machine other than the one , CA wanted , is resolved. by @rishabh-11 [gardener/autoscaler#215]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Initial implementation for Refresh() method of CloudProvider interface done by @rishabh-11 [gardener/autoscaler#215]
  • [OPERATOR] annotation on machine is now reset to 3 by autoscaler if the corresponding node doesn't have ToBeDeletedByClusterAutoscaler taint by @rishabh-11 [gardener/autoscaler#215]


📰 Noteworthy

  • [OPERATOR] Update alpine base image version to 3.18.3. by @shreyas-s-rao [gardener/etcd-custom-image#40]
Update dashboard to 1.70.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] Tickets are no longer automatically closed by the dashboard when a shoot is deleted. This should be handled by a different component instead, like a robot. by @petersutter [#1517]
  • [OPERATOR] The gardener-dashboard Deployment now runs with high availability config (with label For more information about the HA config see by @petersutter [#1504]
  • [OPERATOR] Terminals: The connectSrc directive of the Content Security Policy no longer permits the use of wss: by default. You need to set up the allowed hosts that the browser can connect to for the web terminal feature. This can be done using For more details see by @petersutter [#1561]
  • [OPERATOR] Terminals: As gardener took over the responsibility of providing kube-apiserver endpoints with trusted certificates the terminal-bootstrap component was dropped. Make sure to clean up the created resources of the terminal bootstrapper. See PR description for more details. by @petersutter [#1561]

✨ New Features

  • [USER] Added an input field to configure the maintenance time window duration. The textfield hints now show the UTC begin and end time by @grolu [#1587]
  • [USER] Enable focus mode for regular project lists. This feature used to be exclusive for operators. It can now be used by regular users on all cluster lists. This feature enables users to get a static overview of clusters with issues. In order to use this feature, you need to enable it on the Settings page. by @grolu [#1557]
  • [USER] Implementation of lazy loading for copy to clipboard functionality by @holgerkoser [#1546]
  • [USER] Added functionality to create, view and manage workerless clusters by @grolu [#1531]
  • [OPERATOR] Allow customization of dashboard branding like product logo, name, title, slogan and custom html templates for teaser and footer. The documentation and a detailed example can be found in the dashboard operation guidelines by @holgerkoser [#1568]
  • [OPERATOR] Terminal: By default, the access service account within the garden terminal pod is bound to, not cluster-admin anymore. by @petersutter [#1541]
  • [OPERATOR] Github app authentication is now supported (in addition to token authentication) for the ticket feature by @petersutter [#1514]
  • [OPERATOR] Terminal: You can now configure the role bindings to which the access service account within the garden terminal pod is bound ( by @petersutter [#1541]
  • [OPERATOR] The dashboard chart allows to optionally configure a projected volume based kubeconfig by @timuthy [#1598]
  • [OPERATOR] In addition to the defaultNodesCIDR config ( of the gardener-dashboard which applies for all new Shoots, you can now have a configuration per cloud profile, by setting .spec.providerConfig.defaultNodesCIDR on the respective CloudProfile by @petersutter [#1591]
  • [DEVELOPER] Migrated frontend code to Vue 3 and Vuetify 3 UI components. Vue 2 will reach End of Life (EOL) on December 31st, 2023 by @holgerkoser [#1510]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] Fixed code completion and tooltips in cluster editor: Recent Gardener releases dropped support for OpenAPI v2. Dashboard now uses OpenAPI v3 to fetch shoot resource information by @grolu [#1600]
  • [USER] Users with permission to list all projects can see them now in the dashboard. Previously the permission to get secrets across all namespaces was required. by @petersutter [#1518]
  • [USER] Fixed hibernation schedule time input for Safari browser by @grolu [#1536]
  • [USER] Fixed an issue where the filter on the Secrets, Members and Clusters page was not reset when switching the Project by @petersutter [#1529]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] The default grant types for the garden cluster OIDC kubeconfig have changed to auto, authcode and device-code. authcode-keyboard was removed and device-code grant type was added. The default grant types can be overridden by setting in the gardener-dashboard helm chart by @petersutter [#1512]
  • [OPERATOR] An error will now be logged in case the OIDC issuer discovery fails by @petersutter [#1562]
Update dashboard to 1.70.0


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] Tickets are no longer automatically closed by the dashboard when a shoot is deleted. This should be handled by a different component instead, like a robot. by @petersutter [#1517]
  • [OPERATOR] The gardener-dashboard Deployment now runs with high availability config (with label For more information about the HA config see by @petersutter [#1504]
  • [OPERATOR] Terminals: The connectSrc directive of the Content Security Policy no longer permits the use of wss: by default. You need to set up the allowed hosts that the browser can connect to for the web terminal feature. This can be done using For more details see by @petersutter [#1561]
  • [OPERATOR] Terminals: As gardener took over the responsibility of providing kube-apiserver endpoints with trusted certificates the terminal-bootstrap component was dropped. Make sure to clean up the created resources of the terminal bootstrapper. See PR description for more details. by @petersutter [#1561]

✨ New Features

  • [USER] Added an input field to configure the maintenance time window duration. The textfield hints now show the UTC begin and end time by @grolu [#1587]
  • [USER] Enable focus mode for regular project lists. This feature used to be exclusive for operators. It can now be used by regular users on all cluster lists. This feature enables users to get a static overview of clusters with issues. In order to use this feature, you need to enable it on the Settings page. by @grolu [#1557]
  • [USER] Implementation of lazy loading for copy to clipboard functionality by @holgerkoser [#1546]
  • [USER] Added functionality to create, view and manage workerless clusters by @grolu [#1531]
  • [OPERATOR] Allow customization of dashboard branding like product logo, name, title, slogan and custom html templates for teaser and footer. The documentation and a detailed example can be found in the dashboard operation guidelines by @holgerkoser [#1568]
  • [OPERATOR] Terminal: By default, the access service account within the garden terminal pod is bound to, not cluster-admin anymore. by @petersutter [#1541]
  • [OPERATOR] Github app authentication is now supported (in addition to token authentication) for the ticket feature by @petersutter [#1514]
  • [OPERATOR] Terminal: You can now configure the role bindings to which the access service account within the garden terminal pod is bound ( by @petersutter [#1541]
  • [OPERATOR] The dashboard chart allows to optionally configure a projected volume based kubeconfig by @timuthy [#1598]
  • [OPERATOR] In addition to the defaultNodesCIDR config ( of the gardener-dashboard which applies for all new Shoots, you can now have a configuration per cloud profile, by setting .spec.providerConfig.defaultNodesCIDR on the respective CloudProfile by @petersutter [#1591]
  • [DEVELOPER] Migrated frontend code to Vue 3 and Vuetify 3 UI components. Vue 2 will reach End of Life (EOL) on December 31st, 2023 by @holgerkoser [#1510]

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] Fixed code completion and tooltips in cluster editor: Recent Gardener releases dropped support for OpenAPI v2. Dashboard now uses OpenAPI v3 to fetch shoot resource information by @grolu [#1600]
  • [USER] Users with permission to list all projects can see them now in the dashboard. Previously the permission to get secrets across all namespaces was required. by @petersutter [#1518]
  • [USER] Fixed hibernation schedule time input for Safari browser by @grolu [#1536]
  • [USER] Fixed an issue where the filter on the Secrets, Members and Clusters page was not reset when switching the Project by @petersutter [#1529]

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] The default grant types for the garden cluster OIDC kubeconfig have changed to auto, authcode and device-code. authcode-keyboard was removed and device-code grant type was added. The default grant types can be overridden by setting in the gardener-dashboard helm chart by @petersutter [#1512]
  • [OPERATOR] An error will now be logged in case the OIDC issuer discovery fails by @petersutter [#1562]