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Release Notes v1.63

Upstream Changes

Please check the following sites for upstream release notes:

23KE Changes and Upgrade Path

  • Before upgrade
    • Due to upstream changes in the gardenlet helm chart, an adujstment to the internal gardenlet installation is required. Resources need to be annotated with a corrected value manually before the update, as follows:
    for type in PodDisruptionBudget ServiceAccount ClusterRole ClusterRoleBinding Role RoleBinding Deployment Service ConfigMap PriorityClass; do
    kubectl -n garden annotate $type -l, --overwrite
    You might need to rerun this command again later if the internal-gardenlet HelmRelease is still not able to reconcile due to an error simliar to
    Helm install failed: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. ... invalid ownership metadata; annotation validation error: ..."